99 Bottles of Beer
One program in 571 languages
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J   Jamfile   Java   JavaScript   JOSS   JScript/NET   JScript   JSP  
  Programming language: J
See http://www.cs.trinity.edu/About/The_Courses/cs2322/

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 09:23:02 -0500
From: Roger Hui 
Reply-To: forum@jsoftware.com
To: APL Mailing List , J Forum , TimTroyR@ionet.net
Subject: Jforum: Re: New Scientist Puzzle and Oddball Languages

NB. a solution in J (http://www.jsoftware.com) to the 99 Bottles of Beer problem.

   bob =: ": , ' bottle'"_ , (1: = ]) }. 's of beer'"_
   bobw=: bob , ' on the wall'"_
   beer=: bobw , ', '"_ , bob , '; take one down and pass it around, '"_ , bobw@<:

NB. For example:

    beer"0 >:i.-5
5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer; take one down and pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall
4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer; take one down and pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall
3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer; take one down and pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall
2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer; take one down and pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall
1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer; take one down and pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall

  Programming language: Jamfile
# Jamfile for 99 Bottles of beer on the wall.
# David Brandon (brandon@aspentech.com)

ALWAYS beer ;

rule Drink {
    for tenbeers in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 "" {
        for beers in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 {
            b = $(tenbeers)$(beers) ;
            if ( $(b) != 99 ) {
                ECHO "$(b) bottles of $(<) on the wall!" ;
            if ( $(b) = 0 ) {
                EXIT "No more $(<)!" ;
            ECHO "$(b) bottles of $(<) on the wall. $(b) bottles of $(<). Take one down," ;
            ECHO "pass it around..." ;

Drink beer ;
  Programming language: Java
<A HREF=http://java.sun.com>Java</A> is a machine independent 
compiler based on C++ which targets to pseudo-code.

// java version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall
// 1995 Sean Russell (ser@cs.uoregon.edu)

class bottles
  public static void main(String args[])
    String s = "s";
    for (int beers=99; beers>-1;)
      System.out.print(beers + " bottle" + s + " of beer on the wall, ");
      System.out.println(beers + " bottle" + s + " of beer, ");
      if (beers==0)
        System.out.print("Go to the store, buy some more, ");
        System.out.println("99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n");
        System.out.print("Take one down, pass it around, ");
      s = (--beers == 1)?"":"s";
      System.out.println(beers + " bottle" + s + " of beer on the wall.\n");
  Programming language: JavaScript
Interpretive <A href=#java>Java</a>.

 * 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall in JavaScript
 * This program prints out the lyrics of an old pub song.
 * Copyright (C) 1996, Brian Patrick Lee (blee@media-lab.mit.edu)
if (confirm("Are you old enough to read about beer\n" +
	    "according to your local community standards?")) {
  for (i = 99 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
    j = i - 1;
    if (i != 1) { 
      icase = "bottles"; 
    } else { 
      icase = "bottle";
    if (j != 1) {
      jcase = "bottles";
    } else {
      jcase = "bottle";
    document.writeln(i + " " + icase + " of beer on the wall,");
    document.writeln(i + " " + icase + " of beer,");
    document.writeln("Take 1 down, pass it around,");
    if (j != 0) {
      document.writeln(j + " " + jcase + " of beer on the wall.");
    } else {
      document.writeln("No more bottles of beer on the wall!");
} else {
  document.write("You might want think about moving to another community.")
  Programming language: JOSS
Form 1: "   JOSS version of 99 bottles of beer      "
Form 1: "   Laurent Vogel,  http://lvogel.free.fr   "

Form 1: "%.0f "
Form 2: "No more bottles of beer"
Form 3: "bottle of beer"
Form 4: "bottles of beer"
Form 5: " on the wall,\n"
Form 6: ".\nTake one down, pass it around,\n"
Form 7: " on the wall.\n\n"

3.1 Type a in form 1 if a>0.
3.2 Type in form (a<2: a+2; 4).

2.1 Do part 3.
2.2 Type in form 5.
2.3 Do part 3.
2.4 Type in form 6.
2.5 Set a=a-1.
2.6 Do part 3.
2.7 Type in form 7.

Set a=99.
Do part 2 while a>0.
  Programming language: JScript/NET
 * NinetyNine.js
 * The "99 Bottles of Beer" song rendered in JScript.NET.
 * To compile:
 *   jsc /target:exe NinetyNine.js
 * written by Chris R. Timmons (chris@crtimmonsinc.com)
 * March 25, 2003

import System;

new Sing();

public final class Sing
  const verse : String =
    "{0} bottle{2} of beer on the wall,\n" +
    "{0} bottle{2} of beer.\n" +
    "{4}" +
    "{1} bottle{3} of beer on the wall.\n";
  const beerLeft : String = "Take one down, pass it around.\n";
  const noBeerLeft : String = "Go to the store, get some more!\n";

  public function Sing()
    var bottles : int = this.GetNumberOfBottles();

    for (var x = bottles; x >= 0; x--)
      if (x == 2)
        Console.WriteLine(verse, x, x - 1, "s", "", beerLeft);
      else if (x == 1)
        Console.WriteLine(verse, x, "No more", "", "s", beerLeft);
      else if (x == 0)
        Console.WriteLine(verse, "No more", bottles, "s", (bottles == 1 ? "" : "s"), noBeerLeft);
        Console.WriteLine(verse, x, x - 1, "s", "s", beerLeft);

  private function GetNumberOfBottles() : int
    const defaultBottles : int = -1;

    // Return value.
    var bottles : int = defaultBottles;

    // Check the command line arguments.
    // (First array element is the program name.  Elements 2 thru N
    // are the actual arguments).
    var args : String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

    if (args.Length == 1)
      // If no arguments were given, default to 99 bottles.
      bottles = 99;
    else if (args.Length == 2)
      // One argument was given.

      // Is it a "/?" argument?
      if (args[1] == "/?")
        // Attempt to convert the argument to an integer.
          // Strip out any commas the user may have included
          // in the number before attempting the conversion.
          bottles = Convert.ToInt32(args[1].Replace(",", ""));

          // The conversion succeeded...
          if (bottles < 1)
            // ...but zero and negative numbers are not allowed.
            bottles = defaultBottles;

            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't sing a song for \"{0}\" bottles.", args[1]);
          Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't sing a song for \"{0}\" bottles.", args[1]);
      // More than one argument was given.

    return bottles;

  private function DisplayUsage()
    Console.WriteLine("NinetyNine.exe - Displays lyrics for the \"99 Bottles of Beer\" song.");
    Console.WriteLine("  NinetyNine [option]");
    Console.WriteLine("           NinetyNine Command Line Options");
    Console.WriteLine("  /?                    :  Display this help screen.");
    Console.WriteLine("  Integer between");
    Console.WriteLine("  1 and 2,147,483,648   :  Number of bottles to sing about.  ");
    Console.WriteLine("                           Commas in the number are allowed.");
  Programming language: JScript
// *short* JScript/WSH version of 99 Bottles of beer (Bottles.js)
// Philipp Winterberg, http://www.winterbergs.de 
var beerShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
for (b = 99 ; b > 0 ; b--) {
  beerShell.Popup(b + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall, " + b + " bottle(s) of beer.", 2, "99 Bottles of Beer");
  beerShell.Popup("Take one down, pass it around, " + (b - 1) + "bottle(s) of beer on the wall.", 2, "99 Bottles of Beer");
  Programming language: JSP
// JSP version of 99 bottles of beer on the wall
// 2002 David Hallett (david@pulsar.net.nz)

     String s = "";
     for (int beers=100; beers>0;)
       s = (--beers == 1)?"":"s";
       <%=beers%> bottle<%=s%> of beer on the wall,
       <%=beers%> bottle<%=s%> of beer<br>
       if (beers > 0)
%>      Take one down, pass it around,
         <%=beers%> bottle<%=s%> of beer on the wall.<br>
<%    }
%>      Go to the store, buy some more,
         99 bottles of beer on the wall.<br>
<%    }
  © Oliver Schade <os@ls-la.net>, Generated: 06.06.2003 17:38:32