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VariScreen algorithm to rule out esophageal varices needing treatment

version 4.3

                     gilles.hunault "at"

1. Single Computation

If you have only one clinical practice computation to perform in clinical practice, use the following form. If you have multiple clinical research computations to perform, see «Multiple Computations».

Step 1: Platelets value (units G/l, accepted range 20-700)

            submit      reset 

2. Multiple Computations

    Copy your dataset from your Excel file and paste in the yellow area below.

    The columns in your Excel file must be in the following order:
          Platelets (G/l), LSM (kPa) (for PLER); optional: sex (M/F), INR, etiology (Alcohol, Virus, NAFLD) (for PLEASE and VariScreen).

    PLER includes platelets and LSM (by VCTE).

   PLEASE additionally includes sex, INR and etiology.

    VariScreen is automatically calculated when the variables of PLEASE test are recorded.

    VariScreen additionally includes a reliability analysis; therefore, this is the most reliable result
    and automatically handles possible discordances between PLER or PLEASE results.

    Click on the  compute button  under your data to retrieve the values of the VariScreen algorithm results.

          example 1     example 2     reset 


Click  here  to return to the main page for PLER, PLEASE and VariScreen tests.

Calculator created by Gilles Hunault.
Author responsible for this content: Pr. Paul CALÈS, Angers University (France).



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