/* DAL version of 99 Bottles of beer programmer: by Georg Hentsch: ghentsch@blsoft.com */ declare integer beers = 99; declare varchar s; while (beers > 0) { if (beers != 1) s = "s"; else s = ""; printf("%d bottle%s of beer on the wall,\n", beers, s); printf("%d bottle%s of beeeeer . . . ,\n", beers, s); printf("Take one down, pass it around,\n"); beers--; if (beers > 0) printf("%d", beers); else printf("No more"); if (beers != 1) s = "s"; else s = ""; printf(" bottle%s of beer on the wall.\n", s); }
@echo off REM 99 Bottles of Beer in DOS Batch REM Gert-jan Los (los@lsdb.bwl.uni-mannheim.de) if "%1"=="" goto outer if "%1"=="body" goto body :inner for %%a in ( 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ) do call beer body %2 %%a goto exit :outer for %%a in ( 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ) do call beer inner %%a goto exit :body set num=%2%3 set bottle=bottles if "%num%"=="99" goto skipfirst if "%2"=="0" set num=%3 if "%num%"=="1" set bottle=bottle echo %num% %bottle% of beer on the wall echo. if "%num%"=="0" exit :skipfirst echo %num% %bottle% of beer on the wall echo %num% %bottle% of beer echo take one down and pass it around :exit
C patrick m. ryan pryan@access.digex.net program ninetynine implicit none integer i do i=99,1,-1 print*, i,' bottles of beer on the wall, ',i,' bottles of beer' print*, 'take one down, pass it around, ',i-1, . ' bottles of beer on the wall' enddo end
\ Forth version of the 99 Bottles program. \ Dan Reish, dreish@izzy.net : .bottles ( n -- n-1 ) dup 1 = IF ." One bottle of beer on the wall," CR ." One bottle of beer," CR ." Take it down," ELSE dup . ." bottles of beer on the wall," CR dup . ." bottles of beer," CR ." Take one down," THEN CR ." Pass it around," CR 1- ?dup IF dup 1 = IF ." One bottle of beer on the wall;" ELSE dup . ." bottles of beer on the wall;" THEN ELSE ." No more bottles of beer on the wall." THEN CR ; : nbottles ( n -- ) BEGIN .bottles ?dup NOT UNTIL ; 99 nbottles
C Allen Mcintosh C mcintosh@bellcore.com integer bottls do 50 i = 1, 99 bottls = 100 - i print 10, bottls 10 format(1x, i2, 31h bottle(s) of beer on the wall.) print 20, bottls 20 format(1x, i2, 19h bottle(s) of beer.) print 30 30 format(34h Take one down and pass it around,) bottls = bottls - 1 print 10, bottls print 40 40 format(1x) 50 continue stop end
;;Geza Gyuk - gyuk@oddjob.uchicago.edu" (defun beersong (n) "Does the n-beers song." (progn (insert (int-to-string n) " bottle" (cond ((= n 1) "") (t "s")) " of beer on the wall,\n") (insert (int-to-string n) " bottle" (cond ((= n 1) "") (t "s")) " of beer,\n") (insert "take one down and pass it around,\n") (insert (cond ((= n 1) "no more") (t (int-to-string (- n 1)))) " bottle" (cond ((= n 2) "") (t "s")) " of beer on the wall.\n\n") (cond ((> n 1) (beersong (- n 1))))))
! Does the beer song... sends output to a postscript file ! Geza Gyuk - gyuk@oddjob.uchicago.edu printer 1 erase data beer.dat setv rounds c1(1) ! get number of rounds ! from first line, first setv container bottles ! column of file beer.dat expand {5/rounds} loop i {rounds} 2 -1 relocate 0.1 {i*5/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i} bottles of beer on the wall, relocate 0.1 {(i*5-1)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i} bottles of beer, relocate 0.1 {(i*5-2)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 take one down and pass it around, if ({i}=2) setv container bottle relocate 0.1 {(i*5-3)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 {i-1} {container} of beer on the wall. relocate 0.1 {(i*5-4)/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 endloop relocate 0.1 {5/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 1 bottle of beer on the wall, relocate 0.1 {4/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 1 bottle of beer, relocate 0.1 {3/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 take it down and pass it around, relocate 0.1 {2/(5*rounds)} putlabel 6 no more bottles of beer on the wall. hardcopy end
{----------------------------------------------------------------------} {Contents of BEER99.DPR} program Beer99; {99 bottles of beer - Borland Delphi 1.0} {by Rodney M. Savard <rodney.savard%phun@phunnet.org>} uses Forms, Beer in 'BEER.PAS' {Form1}; {$R *.RES} begin Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end. {----------------------------------------------------------------------} {Contents of BEER.PAS} unit Beer; interface uses Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, SysUtils; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Bottles: Integer; s: String; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TakeOneDown; begin with Form1 do begin Memo1.Lines.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(bottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer on the wall,'); Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(bottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer.'); Memo1.Lines.Add(''); Memo1.Lines.Add('Take one down, pass it around,'); Dec(Bottles); if Bottles<>1 then s:='s' else s:=''; if Bottles=0 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('no more bottles of beer on the wall!'); Button1.Caption:='No More!'; Button1.Enabled:=False; end else begin Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(bottles)+' bottle'+s+' of beer on the wall.'); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Bottles:=99; s:='s'; Button1Click(Form1); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TakeOneDown; end; end. {----------------------------------------------------------------------}
// Dylan version of 99 Bottles of Beer // programmer: Jim Studt jim@federated.com define method enumerate( count == 1 ) "1 bottle" end method enumerate; define method enumerate( count == 0 ) "no more bottles" end method enumerate; define method enumerate( count :: <integer> ) format-to-string("%d bottles", count); end method enumerate; define method reference( count == 1) "it" end method reference; define method reference( count :: <integer>) "one" end method reference; define method main (argv0, #rest noise) for ( i from 99 to 1 by -1) format( *standard-output*, "%s of beer on the wall, %s of beer.\n", enumerate(i), enumerate(i)); format( *standard-output*, " Take %s down, pass it around, %s of beer on the wall.\n", reference(i), enumerate( i - 1)); end for; end method main;
class BEERS creation make feature -- Creation make is local i : INTEGER b : STRING; do from i := 99 variant i until i <= 0 loop if i = 1 then b := " bottle"; else b := " bottles" end -- if io.put_integer(i); io.put_string(b); io.put_string(" of beer on the wall, "); io.put_integer(i); io.put_string(b); io.put_string(" of beer,"); io.new_line; io.put_string("Take one down and pass it around, "); i := i - 1; io.put_integer(i); io.put_string(b); io.put_string(" bottles of beer on the wall."); io.new_line; end -- loop io.put_string("Go to the store and buy some more,"); io.new_line; io.put_string("99 bottles of beer on the wall."); io.new_line; end; end -- class BEERSHere is the OOP version of this in Eiffel... that is to say, the "proper" way to do Eiffel:
class SHELF -- A shelf of bottles creation make feature make (l_bottles: INTEGER) is require positive_bottles: l_bottles >= 0 do bottles := l_bottles end remove is require bottles_exist: bottles > 0 do bottles := bottles - 1 ensure removed: bottles = old bottles - 1 end bottles: INTEGER short_description: STRING is do if bottles = 0 then Result := "No" else Result := bottles.out end Result.append (" bottle") if bottles /= 1 then Result.append ("s") end Result.append (" of beer") ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end description: STRING is do Result := short_description Result.append (" on the wall, ") Result.append (short_description) Result.append ("%N") ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end empty: BOOLEAN is do Result := bottles = 0 end invariant positive_bottles: bottles >= 0 end -- class SHELF class BEER -- Produuce the ditty -- Nick Leaton creation make feature shelf: SHELF make is do from !!shelf.make (99) until shelf.empty loop io.put_string (shelf.description) shelf.remove io.put_string ("Take one down, pass it all around%N%N") end io.put_string (shelf.description) io.put_string ("Go to the store and buy some more%N%N") shelf.make (99) io.put_string (shelf.description) end end -- class BEER
% --------------------------------------------------------------- % Erlang version of the beer song % Kent Engström, kenen@ida.liu.se % --------------------------------------------------------------- % See http://www.ericsson.se/cslab/erlang/ for Erlang information % --------------------------------------------------------------- -module(beer). -export([song/0]). song() -> song(100). song(0) -> done; song(N) -> Bottles=bottles(N), Bottles1=bottles(N-1), io:format("~s of beer on the wall, ~s of beer.~n", [Bottles,Bottles]), io:format("Take one down and pass it around, ~s of beer on the wall.~n", [Bottles1]), song(N-1). bottles(0)-> "no more bottles"; bottles(1)-> "1 bottle"; bottles(N)-> lists:append(integer_to_list(N)," bottles").
01.10 c Focal-8 version of 99 Bottles of beer 01.20 c Hacked by Akira KIDA, <SDI00379@niftyserve.or.jp> 10.10 set bottles = 99 10.20 do 20 10.30 quit 20.10 for i = bottles, 1, -1; do 30 20.20 return 30.10 set b = i 30.20 do 40 ; type " on the wall, " 30.30 do 40 ; type ".", ! , "Take one down, pass it around.", ! 30.40 set b = i - 1 30.50 do 40 ; type " on the wall.", !, ! 30.60 return 40.10 do 50 40.20 type " of beer" 40.30 return 50.10 if (b - 1) 50.20, 50.40, 50.60 50.20 type "No more bottles" 50.30 return 50.40 type %1.0, b, " bottle" 50.50 return 50.60 type %1.0, b, " bottles" 50.70 return
PROCEDURE BEER LOCAL BOTTLES, LINE_1, LINE_2, LINE_3; BOTTLES := 99; LINE_1 := "!SL bottle!%S of beer on the wall"; LINE_2 := "!SL bottle!%S of beer,"; LINE_3 := "If !0!1%Cthat single bottle" + "!%Eone of those bottles!%F should happen to fall,"; LOOP; COPY_TEXT( FAO( LINE_1, BOTTLES) + ","); SPLIT_LINE; COPY_TEXT( FAO( LINE_2, BOTTLES)); SPLIT_LINE; COPY_TEXT( FAO( LINE_3, BOTTLES)); SPLIT_LINE; BOTTLES := BOTTLES - 1; COPY_TEXT( FAO( LINE_1, BOTTLES) + "."); SPLIT_LINE; SPLIT_LINE; EXITIF BOTTLES = 0; ENDLOOP; ENDPROCEDURE
{ False version of 99 Bottles by Marcus Comstedt (marcus@lysator.liu.se) } [$0=["no more bottles"]?$1=["One bottle"]?$1>[$." bottles"]?%" of beer"]b: 100[$0>][$b;!" on the wall, "$b;!". "1-"Take one down, pass it around, "$b;!" on the wall. "]#%
! Hope Version of 99 Bottles of Beer : RAM-Biter!!! ! Tested on a SPARC classic, SunSolaris 2 ! Programmer: Wolfgang Lohmann wlohmann@informatik.uni-rostock.de dec app :( list ( char ) X list ( char )) -> list ( char ) ; dec i2c : num -> char; dec i2s : num -> list(char); dec beer : num -> list(char); --- app ( nil , w ) <= w ; --- app (( a :: v ), w ) <=( a :: app ( v , w )) ; --- i2c(0) <= '0'; --- i2c(1) <= '1'; --- i2c(2) <= '2'; --- i2c(3) <= '3'; --- i2c(4) <= '4'; --- i2c(5) <= '5'; --- i2c(6) <= '6'; --- i2c(7) <= '7'; --- i2c(8) <= '8'; --- i2c(9) <= '9'; --- i2s(x) <= if x < 10 then [i2c(x)] else app(i2s(x div 10), i2s( x mod 10)); --- beer(x) <= if x = 1 then app( i2s(x), " bottle of beer. No more beer on the wall.") else app( app( app( app( app( i2s(x), " bottles of beer on the wall, "), i2s(x)), " bottles of beer. "), "Take one down, pass it around. "), beer(y)) where y== x-1;
-- Haskell program for the Beer Song. -- -- Bert Thompson 5.11.95 (aet@cs.mu.oz.au) module Main where main = song 99 song n = bob n ++ " on the wall,\n" ++ bob n ++ ".\n" ++ "Take one down, pass it around.\n" ++ if n == 1 then "No more bottles of beer on the wall.\n" else bob (n-1) ++ " on the wall.\n" ++ song (n-1) bob n = show n ++ bottle ++ " of beer" where bottle = " bottle" ++ if n == 1 then "" else "s"
! F90 (Fortran 90) version of 99 bottles of beer. ! written by Akira KIDA, SDI00379@niftyserver.or.jp ! Note that this source is in FIXED format. program ninetynine implicit none integer, parameter :: BOTTLES = 99 integer :: i integer :: k character*7 :: btl = 'bottles' do i = BOTTLES, 1, -1 k = len(btl) if (i == 1) k = k - 1 print *, i, btl(1:k), ' of beer on the wall, ', c i, btl(1:k), ' of beer.' print *, 'Take one down, pass it around.' if (i == 0) exit print *, i, btl(1:k), ' of beer on the wall.' end do print *, 'No more bottles of beer on the wall.' end
.TITLE - "Program to display 99 bottles of beer on the wall" ; ;======================================================================================================= ; Author: Bob Welton (welton@pui.com) ; Projects Unlimited Inc. ; Dayton, OH 45414 ; ; Language: DIBOL or DBL ;======================================================================================================= RECORD MISC NUMBOTTLES ,D2,99 ;Default # of bottles to 99 ANUMBOTTLES ,A2 ;Used to mask the output of bottles .PROC XCALL FLAGS (0007000000,1) ;Suppress STOP message OPEN (8,O:C,"TT:") ;Open the terminal/display REPEAT BEGIN ANUMBOTTLES = NUMBOTTLES,'ZX' WRITES (8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottles of Beer on the wall,") ANUMBOTTLES = NUMBOTTLES,'ZX' WRITES (8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottles of Beer,") WRITES (8," Take one down, pass it around,") DECR NUMBOTTLES ;Reduce # of bottles by 1 IF (NUMBOTTLES .LE. 1) EXITLOOP ;If just 1 bottle left, get out ANUMBOTTLES = NUMBOTTLES,'ZX' WRITES(8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottles of Beer on the wall.") WRITES (8," ") END ANUMBOTTLES = NUMBOTTLES,'ZX' WRITES(8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottle of Beer on the wall.") WRITES (8," ") WRITES (8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottle of Beer on the wall,") WRITES (8,ANUMBOTTLES+" Bottle of Beer,") WRITES (8," Take one down, pass it around,") WRITES (8," ") WRITES (8," ") WRITES (8, "Hey the Beer's gone, I am out of here...") SLEEP 2 CLOSE 8 STOP .END
&& BEER.PRG - 99 Bottles of Beer - Brian Hobbs Jan 1996 && (BHOBBS@cayman.vf.mmc.com) SET TALK OFF I=99 DO WHILE I>=1 b = STR(i,2) ? b +" Bottle" IF i > 1 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer on the wall "+b+" bottle" IF i> 1 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer" ? " Take one down and pass it around" i=i-1 b = STR(i,2) if i = 0 b = "No more" ENDIF ? b + " Bottle" IF I > 1 .OR. I=0 ?? "s" ENDIF ?? " of beer on the wall" ? ENDDO ? "No more bottles of beer on the wall, No more bottles of beer" ? "Go to the store and buy some more - 99 bottles of beer on the wall" SET TALK ON
-- 99 bottles of beer (gofer version) -- Written by Bow-Yaw Wang (bywang@saul.cis.upenn.edu) radix 0 _ = [] radix x n = (x `mod` n):(radix (x/n) n) itoa x = map (\x -> chr(x + ord('0'))) (reverse (radix x 10)) bottles :: Int -> Dialogue bottles 1 resps = [AppendChan stdout "1 bottle of beer on the wall, ", AppendChan stdout "1 bottle of beer.\n", AppendChan stdout "Take one down, pass it around, ", AppendChan stdout "no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n"] bottles n resps = [AppendChan stdout (itoa n), AppendChan stdout " bottles of beer on the wall, ", AppendChan stdout (itoa n), AppendChan stdout " bottles of beer.\n", AppendChan stdout "Take one down, pass it around, ", AppendChan stdout (itoa (n-1)), AppendChan stdout " bottles of beer on the wall.\n"] ++ bottles (n-1) resps
# Programmer: Mark Gray - mvg@mfltd.co.uk # http://www.mfltd.co.uk/ # # Note: requires version 2.5 of Dialog System. Form BEER Screenset Details First-Window WIN1 End Details Form Data Group BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-1 Vertical Occurs 1 NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1 Integer(2) BOTTLE-TEXT-1 Character(28) BOTTLE-PUNCTUATION-1 Character(1) End Group # BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-1 Group BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-2 Vertical Occurs 1 NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-2 Integer(2) BOTTLE-TEXT-2 Character(17) End Group # BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-2 BOTTLE-TEXT-1A Character(31) BOTTLE-TEXT-2A Character(19) BOTTLE-TEXT-3 Character(30) BOTTLE-TEXT-4 Character(34) End Data Object WIN1 Type DIALOG-BOX Parent DESKTOP Start (492,720) Size (1208,1150) Display "99 Bottles of Beer" Style MODELESS TITLEBAR SYSTEM-MENU End Object #WIN1 Object BEER-LIST Type LIST-BOX Parent WIN1 Start (64,100) Size (1088,800) Style DISABLE-HORIZONTAL End Object #BEER-LIST Object PB1 Type PUSH-BUTTON Parent WIN1 Start (416,1040) Size (372,96) Display "Close" End Object #PB1 Global Dialog CASE(OFF) Event ESC SET-EXIT-FLAG ; TERMINATE ; End Event # ESC Event CLOSED-WINDOW SET-EXIT-FLAG ; TERMINATE ; End Event # CLOSED-WINDOW Event BUTTON-SELECTED SET-EXIT-FLAG ; TERMINATE ; End Event # BUTTON-SELECTED Event SCREENSET-INITIALIZED MOVE " bottles of beer on the wall" BOTTLE-TEXT-1(1) ; MOVE " bottles of beer," BOTTLE-TEXT-2(1) ; MOVE "Take one down, pass it around," BOTTLE-TEXT-3 ; MOVE "Go to the store and buy some more," BOTTLE-TEXT-4 ; MOVE 99 NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1(1) ; BRANCH-TO-PROCEDURE COUNT-BOTTLES ; End Event # SCREENSET-INITIALIZED Procedure COUNT-BOTTLES MOVE NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1(1) NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-2(1) ; MOVE "," BOTTLE-PUNCTUATION-1(1) ; MOVE BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-1 BOTTLE-TEXT-1A ; MOVE BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-2 BOTTLE-TEXT-2A ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-1A 0 ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-2A 0 ; MOVE "." BOTTLE-PUNCTUATION-1(1) ; IF= NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1(1) 0 END-BOTTLES ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-3 0 ; DECREMENT NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1(1) ; MOVE BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-1 BOTTLE-TEXT-1A ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-1A 0 ; BRANCH-TO-PROCEDURE COUNT-BOTTLES ; End Procedure # COUNT-BOTTLES Procedure END-BOTTLES MOVE 99 NUMBER-OF-BOTTLES-1(1) ; MOVE BOTTLE-TEXT-GROUP-1 BOTTLE-TEXT-1A ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-4 0 ; INSERT-LIST-ITEM BEER-LIST BOTTLE-TEXT-1A 0 ; End Procedure # END-BOTTLES End Dialog End Form
-- -- a version of the "99 bottles of beer" song in HyperTalk -- by eric carlson: eric@bungdabba.com -- on BeerSong99 BottlesOfBeer 99 end BeerSong99 -- -- do something with a lyric from the beer song. this handler adds it to -- a field on the current card on OutputBeerLyric beerString if ( beerString is "<reset>" ) then put empty into cd fld "beer song" else put beerString & return after cd fld "beer song" end if end OutputBeerLyric -- -- sing the beer song with the specified number of bottles on BottlesOfBeer bottleCount put bottleCount into initialCount OutputBeerLyric "<reset>" repeat until ( bottleCount < 1 ) set cursor to busy -- let 'em know this might take a while put BottleString(bottleCount) into currentString OutputBeerLyric currentString && "of beer on the wall," OutputBeerLyric currentString && "of beer." OutputBeerLyric "Take one down, and pass it around," subtract one from bottleCount OutputBeerLyric BottleString(bottleCount) && "of beer on the wall." & return end repeat OutputBeerLyric "Go to the store and buy some more..." OutputBeerLyric initialCount & " bottles of beer on the wall." end BottlesOfBeer -- -- return the bottle string appropriate for the current count function BottleString bottleCount if ( bottleCount is 1 ) then return "1 bottle" else if ( bottleCount is 0 ) then return "no more bottles" else return bottleCount && "bottles" end if end BottleString
** Randy Jean FOR x = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 ?x,"Bottle(s) of beer on the wall,",x,"bottle(s) of beer" ?" Take one down and pass it around," ?x-1,"bottle(s) of beer on the wall" ENDFOR
/* 99 Bottles of Beer */ /* James Hicks (hicksjl@cs.rose-hulman.edu) */ /* 5 August 1996 */ int BEERS = 99; proc main()void: uint i; for i from BEERS downto 1 do if i > 1 then writeln(i, " bottles of beer on the wall, ", i, " bottles of beer."); else writeln(i, " bottle of beer on the wall, ", i, " bottle of beer."); fi; writeln("Take one down, pass it around,"); if i > 2 then writeln(i - 1, " bottles of beer on the wall."); elsif i > 1 then writeln(i - 1, " bottle of beer on the wall."); else writeln("No bottles of beer on the wall."); fi; od; corp;
#!/usr/local/bin/expect # 99 bottles of beer on the wall, Expect-style # Author: Don LibesSample output:# Unlike programs (http://www.ionet.net/~timtroyr/funhouse/beer.html) # which merely print out the 99 verses, this one SIMULATES a human # typing the beer song. Like a real human, typing mistakes and timing # becomes more erratic with each beer - the final verse is barely # recognizable and it is really like watching a typist hunt and peck # while drunk. # Finally, no humans actually sing all 99 verses - particularly when # drunk. In reality, they occasionally lose their place (or just get # bored) and skip verses, so this program does likewise. # Because the output is timed, just looking at the output isn't enough # - you really have to see the program running to appreciate it. # Nonetheless, for convenience, output from one run (it's different # every time of course) can be found in the file beer.exp.out # But it won't show the erratic timing; you have to run it for that. proc bottles {i} { return "$i bottle[expr $i!=1?"s":""] of beer" } proc line123 {i} { out $i "[bottles $i] on the wall,\n" out $i "[bottles $i],\n" out $i "take one down, pass it around,\n" } proc line4 {i} { out $i "[bottles $i] on the wall.\n\n" } proc out {i s} { foreach c [split $s ""] { # don't touch punctuation; just looks too strange if you do if [regexp "\[,. \n\]" $c] { append d $c continue } # keep first couple of verses straight if {$i > 97} {append d $c; continue} # +3 prevents it from degenerating too far # /2 makes it degenerate faster though set r [rand [expr $i/2+3]] if {$r} {append d $c; continue} # do something strange switch [rand 3] { 0 { # substitute another letter if [regexp \[aeiou\] $c] { # if vowel, substitute another append d [string index aeiou [rand 5]] } elseif [regexp \[0-9\] $c] { # if number, substitute another append d [string index 123456789 [rand 9]] } else { # if consonant, substitute another append d [string index bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz [rand 21]] } } 1 { # duplicate a letter append d $c$c } 2 { # drop a letter } } } set arr1 [expr .4 - ($i/333.)] set arr2 [expr .6 - ($i/333.)] set shape [expr log(($i+2)/2.)+.1] set min 0 set max [expr 6-$i/20.] set send_human "$arr1 $arr2 $shape $min $max" send -h $d } set _ran [pid] proc rand {m} { global _ran set period 259200 set _ran [expr ($_ran*7141 + 54773) % $period] expr int($m*($_ran/double($period))) } for {set i 99} {$i>0} {} { line123 $i incr i -1 line4 $i # get bored and skip ahead if {$i == 92} { set i [expr 52+[rand 5]] } if {$i == 51} { set i [expr 12+[rand 5]] } if {$i == 10} { set i [expr 6+[rand 3]] } }
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. 11 botqle off baer oc tbe wakl, 1 botplo of beer, take onne da, pass itt arounm, 0 yotglees oof beeeer on tte walll.
Enter Browse Mode Set Field No. Bottles/Calculation (99) Set Field Bottle Text/Calculation (³²) Loop Set Field Bottle Text/Calculation If(No. Bottles ‚ 1, No. Bottles & ³bottles of beer on the wall. ³ & No. Bottles & ³bottles of beer.² & Paragraph & ³Take one down and pass it around and ³, No. Bottles & ³bottle of beer on the wall. ³ & No. Bottles & ³bottle of beer.² & Paragraph & ³Take one down and pass it around and ³) & Paragraph & If(No. Bottles - 1 ‚ 1, (No. Bottles - 1) & ³ bottles of beer on the wall², (No. Bottles - 1) & ³ bottle of beer on the wall²) Refresh Window Comment (Viewing text is optional) Speak (Speech Data: Field: Bottle Text/Wait for completion) Comment (Speech is optional) Set Field No. Bottles/Calculation (No. Bottles - 1) Exit Loop If (Calculation (No. Bottles = 0)) End Loop Set Field Bottle Text/Calculation (³0 bottles of beer on the wall. 0 bottles of beer. Go to the store and buy some more.² & Paragraph & ³99 bottles of beer on the wall.² Refresh Window Speak (Speech Data: Field: Bottle Text/Wait for completion)
video 1 local var1 99 local var2 24 mark 98 text 1 @var2 @var1 text " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," text 1 @var2-1 @var1 text " bottle(s) of beer!" text 1 @var2-2 "Take one down, pass it around," text 1 @var2-3 @var1-1 text " bottle(s) of beer on the wall!" waitkey 500 set var1 @var1-1 loop
/************************************************************************/ /* bottle.cpp */ /* 1996 Walter Zimmer (walter.zimmer@rz.uni-ulm.de) */ /* */ /* Save as "bottle.cpp" or change all the #includes ! */ /* #include is necessary since cpp expands each line into */ /* no more than one new line */ /* */ /* Invocation: cpp -P bottle.cpp */ /* */ /* Remove comments to have less empty lines in the output */ /* but we still have to many... */ /************************************************************************/ #if defined TEXT /* This is the part which outputs one verse. 'Passed' parameters are */ /* ONES: inner digit */ /* TENS: outer digit */ /* SECONDTEN: outer digit decremented by one */ /* if ONES == 0 then we have to use the decremented outer digit */ #if ONES == 0 /* omit output of 00 verse */ #if SECONDTEN < 10 /* Use SECONDTEN */ print(TENS,ONES) print(TENS,ONES) Take one down, pass it around print(SECONDTEN,SECONDONE) #endif /* SECONDTEN */ #else /* ONES */ /* Here everthing is normal, we use the normal TENS */ print(TENS,ONES) print(TENS,ONES) Take one down, pass it around print(TENS,SECONDONE) #endif /* ONES */ #elif defined LOOP /* This is the inner loop which iterates about the last digit */ /* #undef LOOP, #define TEXT so we output text in the next #include */ #undef LOOP #define TEXT /* #undef and #define the inner digits, invoke text output */ #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 9 #define SECONDONE 8 #include "bottle.cpp" /* ...and so on for digits 8-0 */ #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 8 #define SECONDONE 7 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 7 #define SECONDONE 6 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 6 #define SECONDONE 5 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 5 #define SECONDONE 4 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 4 #define SECONDONE 3 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 3 #define SECONDONE 2 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 2 #define SECONDONE 1 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 1 #define SECONDONE 0 #include "bottle.cpp" #undef ONES #undef SECONDONE #define ONES 0 #define SECONDONE 9 #include "bottle.cpp" /* Clean up */ #undef TEXT #else /* TEXT, LOOP */ /* Here is the basic 'loop' which iterates about the outer digit */ /* First define the print macro which outputs one line of xx beer */ /* We have to define it over the second define 'raw' to combine */ /* prescan with concatenation */ #define raw(TENS,ONES) TENS ## ONES #define print(TENS,ONES) raw(TENS,ONES) bottles of beer on the wall /* Tell bottle.cpp to invoke the inner loop when #included */ #define LOOP /* #define outer digit and process inner loop */ #define TENS 9 #define SECONDTEN 8 #include "bottle.cpp" /* Do this for the other digits 8 to 0, now with #undef */ /* Since LOOP gets #undef'd, we have to define it again */ #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 8 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 7 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 7 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 6 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 6 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 5 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 5 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 4 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 4 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 3 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 3 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 2 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 2 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 1 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 1 #undef SECONDTEN #define SECONDTEN 0 #include "bottle.cpp" #define LOOP #undef TENS #define TENS 0 #undef SECONDTEN /* We @define SECONDTEN as 10 to indicate that we are outputting */ /* the last block and therefore need only 9 verses */ #define SECONDTEN 10 #include "bottle.cpp" #endif
* EXEC version of 99 Bottles of beer program * By Torbjørn Vaaje (etotv@eto.ericsson.se) * &BEERS = 99 &S = ES &LOOP 5 99 &TYPE &BEERS BOTTL&S OF BEER ON THE WALL, &BEERS BOTTL&S OF BEER. &BEERS = &BEERS - 1 &IF &BEERS = 1 &S = E &IF &BEERS = 0 &BEERS = NO_MORE &TYPE TAKE ONE DOWN AND PASS IT AROUND, &BEERS BOTTL&S OF BEER ON THE WALL
-* Randy Gleason -* 99 beer challenge -REPEAT ENDBEER FOR &COUNTER FROM 99 TO 1 STEP -1 -SET &PL = IF &COUNTER EQ 1 THEN '' ELSE 's' ; -TYPE &COUNTER bottle&PL of beer on the wall, &COUNTER bottle&PL of beer -TYPE Take one down, pass it around -TYPE -ENDBEER -TYPE No more bottles of beer on the wall, No more bottles of beer -TYPE And we all shout out..WHO'S BUYING THE NEXT ROUND!
" Language: Express " Written by Lori Smallwood, IRI Software " April 12, 1997 vrb _beer int _beer = 99 while _beer gt 0 do shw joinchars(_beer ' bottles of beer on the wall,') shw joinchars(_beer ' bottles of beer... ') shw 'Take one down, pass it around,' _beer = _beer - 1 shw joinchars(_beer ' bottles of beer on the wall!') doend
Sub Beers() ' 99 bottles of beer on the wall ' Visual Basic for Excel version ' by Alejandro Julien (ajulien@tonatiuh.sis.uia.mx) ' Done with Excel 7 (Windows '95) ' ' It will start from the first cell of the first worksheet ' and move on downwards. Dim Cervezas As Integer 'Cervezas = beer in spanish Dim miCelda As Integer 'miCelda = myCell in spanish Worksheets(1).Activate ' Colors Range("A1:AA1").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 128) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value = "by Alejandro Julien" Range("A1:A204").Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 128) ' Title Range("A1").Select With ActiveCell .Value = "The 99 bottles of beer on the wall song" .Font.Size = 18 .Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) End With With ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0) .Value = "(ajulien@tonatiuh.sis.uia.mx)" With .Font .Italic = True .Size = 8 End With End With miCelda = 3 ' GO! For Cervezas = 99 To 2 Step -1 ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = Cervezas & " bottles of beer on the wall, " & Cervezas & " bottles of beer" miCelda = miCelda + 1 ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = "take one down and pass it around" miCelda = miCelda + 1 Next ' ONE_BEER_EXCEPTION handling *whew!* ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = "One bottle of beer on the wall, one bottle of beer" miCelda = miCelda + 1 ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = "take it down and pass it around" miCelda = miCelda + 1 ' Beer's over ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer" miCelda = miCelda + 1 ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0).Value = "Go to the store and buy some more" miCelda = miCelda + 1 ' Sponsor's message With ActiveCell.Offset(miCelda, 0) .Value = "...but make sure it's mexican beer!" .Font.Italic = True .Font.Size = 8 End With Application.Caption = "Cerveza mexicana siempre!" ' No kidding. If you have the chance, try a good mexican beer (: '------- ' This piece of code goes for the "99 bottles of beer" homepage, ' and may be used by whoever finds it useful to show Language, ' way of doing the chore, or proof that programmers seem to have ' no life (even though this is not a complete truth...) ' <#include "disclaim.h> End Sub
[ bottles of beer on the wall ]sa [ bottles of beer ]sb [ take one down, pass it around ]sc [ ]sd 99sn [lalnpsnPlblnp1-snPlcPlalnpsnPldPln0
dc is the Desk Calculator for *nix; It works on reverse polish notation, and a few other commands. The output of this routine is a little jagged, as dc has no commands to control screen formatting.
Usage: dc 99bottles
where this source file is saved as 99bottles NB: A blank line is required at the end of the file Without it, dc will not quit.[ bottles of beer on the wall ]sa [ bottles of beer ]sb [ take one down, pass it around ]sc [ ]sd 99sn [lalnpsnPlblnp1-snPlcPlalnpsnPldPln0
E is the macro language for IBM's EPM editor.; 99 bottles of beer in E, the macro language for IBM's EPM editor. -- Todd Fox /* The most interesting thing about this language is that it has 3 * different commenting styles and that the macros must be recompiled * directly into the editor to be used. */ defproc make_bottle_text(num_bottles) if (num_bottles > 1) then bottle_text = num_bottles || ' bottles' elseif (num_bottles = 1) then bottle_text = num_bottles || ' bottle' else bottle_text = 'No bottles' endif return(bottle_text) defproc sing_beer_main_line(num_bottles, is_long) lyrics = make_bottle_text(num_bottles) || ' of beer' if (is_long) then lyrics = lyrics || ' on the wall' endif insertline lyrics defproc sing_beer_song() init_bottle_cnt = 99 curr_bottle_cnt = init_bottle_cnt do while curr_bottle_cnt >= 1 sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 1) sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 0) insertline 'Take one down and pass it around' curr_bottle_cnt = curr_bottle_cnt - 1 sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 1) insertline '' -- don't use "insert", existing text will get mixed in enddo sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 1) sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 0) insertline 'Go to the store and buy some more' curr_bottle_cnt = init_bottle_cnt sing_beer_main_line(curr_bottle_cnt, 1) ; Define a command to execute it from the EPM command line. defc sing_beer_song call sing_beer_song() ; Execute with ctrl-X def c_X = 'sing_beer_song' ; done
For Info see http://www.dssp.msk.ru[ 99 bottles in DSSP Programmer: Laszlo Aszalos <aszalos@math.klte.hu> Run it with 99 BOTTLE ] B10 : BOTTLE [N] LOT_OF ONE_LEFT ZERO [] ; : LOT_OF [N] CR C 1- DO ONE_BOTTLE D ; : ONE_BOTTLE [N] ON_THE_WALL .", " CR NUMBER_OFF BOTTLES ."," CR TAKE 1- [N-1] C 1 = IF0 MANY ; : MANY ON_THE_WALL ."." CR ; : TAKE ."take one down, pass it around," CR ; : ON_THE_WALL NUMBER_OFF BOTTLES ." on the wall" ; : BOTTLES ." bottles of beer" ; : ONE_LEFT ONE_ON_THE_WALL ."." CR ONE_ON_THE_WALL ."," CR BOTTLE1 ."," CR ; : ONE_ON_THE_WALL BOTTLE1 ." on the wall" ; : BOTTLE1 ." 1 bottle of beer" ; : ZERO TAKE ZERO_ON ."." CR ZERO_ON ."," CR NO_MORE ."," CR ."go to the store, and buy some more!" CR ; : ZERO_ON NO_MORE ." on the wall" ; : NO_MORE ."no more bottles of beer" ; : NUMBER_OFF C 2 TON ; : NUMBER_OFF C 2 TON ;
Compilation Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Tim Robinson. All Rights Reserved
Permission to copy enthusiastically granted to instructors of computer science
(who would like to demonstrate the styles of different programming languages
to their students) provided that the names of the contributors are retained.
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