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Computation of the MACK3 score (gH) version 1.5

                     gilles.hunault "at"

1. Single computation

If you have only one computation to perform, use the following form, or else use the second form called multiple computations.

Variable Value Unit
AST      IU/l  
Glycemia      mmol/l  
Insulin      μU/ml  
CK18      IU/l  


        example 1          example 2          reset 



2. Multiple computations

    Copy-paste your dataset from your Excel file in the yellow text area below.

    The columns in your Excel file must be in the following order: AST (IU/l), glycemia (mmol/l), insulin (ľU/ml) and CK18 (IU/l).

    Then click on the  compute  button under your data to retrieve the values of the MACK3 score.

          example 1     example 2     reset 


For help or explanation about the MACK3 score, please contact by mail Dr. Jerome BOURSIER, at the following adress:



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