Fortran Cobol Lisp integer bottls do 50 i = 1, 99 bottls = 100 - i print 10, bottls 10 format(1x, i2, 31h bottle(s) of beer on the wall.) print 20, bottls 20 format(1x, i2, 19h bottle(s) of beer.) print 30 30 format(34h Take one down and pass it around,) bottls = bottls - 1 print 10, bottls print 40 40 format(1x) 50 continue stop end IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID.BOTTLES_OF_BEER. AUTHOR.DONALD FRASER. * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. SOURCE-COMPUTER. VAX. OBJECT-COMPUTER. VAX. * INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT OUTPUT-FILE ASSIGN TO BEERS_ON_THE_WALL. * DATA DIVISION. FILE SECTION. FD OUTPUT-FILE LABEL RECORDS ARE OMITTED. 01 BEERS-OUT PIC X(133). * WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 FLAGS-COUNTERS-ACCUMULATORS. 05 FLAGS. 10 E-O-F PIC 9. 88 END-OF-FILE VALUE 1. 05 COUNTERS. 10 BOTTLES PIC 999 VALUE 0. 01 RECORD-OUT. 05 LINE1. 10 NUMBER-OF-BEERS-1 PIC ZZ9. 10 PIC X(28) VALUE "BOTTLES OF BEER IN THE WALL ". 10 PIC X VALUE ",". 10 NUMBER-OF-BEERS-2 PIC ZZ9. 10 PIC X. 10 PIC X(17) VALUE "BOTTLES OF BEER.". 05 LINE2. 10 PIC X(34) VALUE "TAKE ONE DOWN AND PASS IT ARROUND ". 10 NUMBER-OF-BEERS-3 PIC ZZ9. 10 PIC X. 10 PIC X(28) VALUE "BOTTLES OF BEER IN THE WALL". * PROCEDURE DIVISION. DRIVER-MODULE. PERFORM INITIALIZATION. PERFORM PROCESS UNTIL END-OF-FILE. PERFORM TERMINATION. STOP RUN. * INITIALIZATION. OPEN OUTPUT OUTPUT-FILE. ADD 100 TO BOTTLES. * PROCESS. IF BOTTLES = 0 THEN COMPUTE E-O-F = 1 ELSE PERFORM WRITE-ROUTINE END-IF. * TERMINATION. CLOSE OUTPUT-FILE. * WRITE-ROUTINE. MOVE BOTTLES TO NUMBER-OF-BEERS-1, NUMBER-OF-BEERS-2. COMPUTE BOTTLES = BOTTLES - 1. WRITE BEERS-OUT FROM LINE1. MOVE BOTTLES TO NUMBER-OF-BEERS-3. WRITE BEERS-OUT FROM LINE2. (defun beersong (n) "Does the n-beers song." (progn (insert (int-to-string n) " bottle" (cond ((= n 1) "") (t "s")) " of beer on the wall,\n") (insert (int-to-string n) " bottle" (cond ((= n 1) "") (t "s")) " of beer,\n") (insert "take one down and pass it around,\n") (insert (cond ((= n 1) "no more") (t (int-to-string (- n 1)))) " bottle" (cond ((= n 2) "") (t "s")) " of beer on the wall.\n\n") (cond ((> n 1) (beersong (- n 1))))))Apl SmallTalk Prolog ![]()
tableDeMultilication | fenetre | " table de multiplication " fenetre := TextWindow windowLabeled: 'Table de Multiplication ' frame: ( 210 @ 30 extent: 400 @(Display extent //2)y ). fenetre cr ; nextPutAll: ' Table de ' ; nextPutAll: (self printString) ; cr ; cr . 1 to: 10 do: [ :ifois | fenetre nextPutAll: (ifois printString); nextPutAll: ' fois ' ; nextPutAll: (self printString) ; nextPutAll: ' = ' ; nextPutAll: ((ifois * self) printSting); cr. ]. Menu message: 'Cliquez en gauche ici pour terminer'. fenetre close. ^nil initialize([Stench,Breeze,Glitter,no,no]) :- initialize_world(fig62), initialize_agent, stench(Stench), breeze(Breeze), glitter(Glitter). execute(_,[no,no,no,no,no]) :- agent_health(dead), !, % agent must be alive to execute actions format("You are dead!~n",[]). execute(_,[no,no,no,no,no]) :- agent_in_cave(no), !, % agent must be in the cave format("You have left the cave.~n",[]). execute(goforward,[Stench,Breeze,Glitter,Bump,no]) :- decrement_score, goforward(Bump), % update location and check for bump update_agent_health, % check for wumpus or pit stench(Stench), % update rest of percept breeze(Breeze), glitter(Glitter).Awk Perl Rexx # traitement des lignes non vides (NF>0) { if (FNR<6) { printf " " } for (col=1;col<=nbc;col++) { num[ col ] = 0 } idt = $1 blanc ; printf("%-12s ",substr(idt,1,12) ) > ftmp if (FNR<6) { printf("%-12s ",substr(idt,1,12) ) } $1 = "" ; rep = $0 ; $0 = rep ; # Mise à jour des totaux par colonne for (col=1;col<=nbc;col++) { num[ $col ] = 1 ; tot[ $col ]++ } # pour for (col=1;col<=nbc;col++) { printf num[ col ] " " > ftmp if (FNR<6) { printf num[ col ] " " } } # fin pour print " " > ftmp if (FNR<6) { print " " if (nbc>150) { print " " } if (FNR==5) { print " ..."} } # fin si # création du fichier structure open(FDBF,">$fDbase") or die(" impossible d'écrire dans $fDbase") ; binmode FDBF ; open(FSTR,">$fstr") or die(" impossible d'écrire dans $fstr") ; my $i = 1 ; my $ligStr = "" ; while ($i<=$nbc) { $ligStr .= sprintf("%-15s",$nomCol[$i])." " ; if ($i==1) { print "Premières lignes du fichier structure $fstr :\n" ; } ; if ($i==1) { $ligStr .= "C " ; } else { $ligStr .= "N " ; } ; $ligStr .= sprintf("%2d" ,$longCol[$i])." " ; $ligStr .= sprintf("%1d" ,$decCol[$i]) ; print FSTR "$ligStr\n" ; if ($i<=5) { print " $ligStr\n" ; } ; $ligStr = "" ; $i++ ; } ; # fin pour i close(FSTR) ; my $lonCcar = 0 ; my $lonCnum = 0 ; # parcours du fichier structure $ndc = 0 ; open(FSTR,"<$fstr") or die(" impossible de lire dans $fstr") ; while (<FSTR>) { $ndc++ ; ($m1,$m2,$m3,$m4) = split(" ",$_) ; $m1 =~ s/[a-z]/[A-Z]/ ; $nomCol[$ndc] = uc($m1) ; $m2 =~ s/[a-z]/[A-Z]/g ; $m2 = uc($m2) ; $typCol[$ndc] = substr($m2."?",0,1) ; $longCol[$ndc] = $m3 ; $decCol[ndc] = $m4 ; if ($typCol[$ndc] eq "C") { $lonCcar += $longCol[$ndc] } ; if ($typCol[$ndc] eq "N") { $lonCnum += $longCol[$ndc] } ; } ; # fintant que /* classification hiérarchique */ md. = 0 /* matrice des distances */ du. = 0 /* distances ultramétriques ? */ de. = 0 /* distances des enfants */ et = 0 /* numéro d'étape */ nomEsp. = "?" /* nom des espèces */ do while lines(nomfic)>0 lig = linein(nomfic) if substr(word(lig,1),1,1)='#' then iterate et = et + 1 = word(lig,1) do j = 1 to words(lig)-1 jj = j-1 /* car le premier mot est le nom de l'espèce */ = word(lig,j) = if dbg=1 then say " mat ." et "." jj " = " end /* fin pour j */ end /* fin de tant que */ nbl = et call lineout nomficMaple Tcl/Tk Php symdep := args[1][1] ; # symbole de départ regprod := args[1][2] ; # règles de production lprod := regprod ; # règles de subst. associées à regprod nbprod := nops(regprod) ; # nombre de règles varis := sort(convert(indets(map(indets,regprod)),list),lexorder) ; nbvar := nops(varis) ; # nombre de variables if nops(args[1])>2 and whattype(args[1][3]) = set then varis := sort(args[1][3],lexorder) ; nbvar := nops( varis ) ; fi ; vectg := array(1..nbvar) ; # vecteur de gauche vectg := map(x->degree(symdep,x),convert(varis,list)) ; vectd := [1 $ nbvar] ; # vecteur de droite valvar := array(1..nbvar) ; # interp. numérique des symboles if nargs < 2 then lprint(` Syntaxe unionL( systeme_L1, systeme_L2 ) `) ; else l1 := args[1] ; l2 := args[2] ; lv := indets(map(indets,l1[2])) ; lv := lv union indets(map(indets,l2[2])) ; lv := sort(convert(lv,list),lexorder) ; if nargs>2 then parms := args[3] else parms := {} ; fi ; m1 := Ls2Mat( [ l1[1], l1[2], lv ] , parms ) ; m2 := Ls2Mat( [ l2[1], l2[2], lv ] , parms ) ; mp := Mat2Ls( evalm(m1+m2) , parms ) ; RETURN( [ l1[1] * l2[1] , mp[2] , lv ] ) ; fi ; proc tailleWin { parm } { # utilise tout l'écran pour un affichage maximal # ou à 80% pour un affichage réduit set ww [winfo screenwidth .] ; set wh [winfo screenheight .] ; set decale 0 if { $parm == 0 } { set ww [expr round($ww*0.8)] ; set wh [expr round($wh*0.8)] ; set decale 30 } ; # fin si set ghm "wm geometry . $ww" ; append ghm "x$wh+$decale+$decale" ; eval $ghm } ; # fin proc tailleWin proc changeSpecs { } { global nfi ldf chemin ordf specsf ; # change les spécifs de fichier set especsf $specsf catch { destroy .fspec } toplevel .fspec wm title .fspec " File specifications " wm geometry .fspec "+100+200" label -font { System 14 bold } -text " Fichiers ? " -bg blue -fg yellow entry .fspec.en -font { System 14 bold } -textvariable especsf bind .fspec.en <Return> { finSpecs $especsf } pack -side left pack .fspec.en -side right focus -force .fspec.en } ; # fin proc changeSpecs <? # ouverture de la base mysql_connect("xxxxxx","yyyyyyy","zzzzz") ; $res = mysql_selectdb("aaaaaaa") ; $jour1 = "lundi" ; $jour2 = "mardi" ; # remise à zéro de la base $err = 0 ; if ($nom=="reseT") { # remise à zéro !! $res = mysql_query("delete from soutStages") ; } ; # on regarde si l'heure est disponible $qry = "select * from soutStages where jour=$jour and heure=$heure and minute=$minute " ; $res = mysql_query($qry) ; $nbr = 0 ; while ($ligr=mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $nbr++ ; $lap = $ligr["nom"]; echo "<h1>horaire déjà pris par : $lap </h1>" ; } ; # fin tant que # insertion dans la base $qr = "REPLACE INTO soutStages VALUES( " ; $qr .= "'$nom', '$pre', '$jour', '$heure', '$minute' " ; $qr .= ") " ; $res = mysql_query("$qr") ;Pascal C Java PROGRAM maxOcc ; const tailleM = 100 ; type elemenT = integer ; type tablo = array[1..tailleM] of elemenT ; var nbElt : integer ; indb : integer ; monT : tableau ; valMax : elemenT ; nbMax : elemenT ; eltCourant : elemenT ; BEGIN (* # on parcourt le tableau *) (* # sans utiliser le dernier élément déja comptabilisé *) for indb := 1 to nbElt-1 do begin eltCourant := monT[ indb ] ; if eltCourant > valMax then begin (* # nouveau maximum local *) valMax := eltCourant ; nbMax := 1 ; end else begin if eltCourant = valMax then begin (* # une fois de plus le maximum *) nbMax := nbMax + 1 ; end ; (* # nouvelle occurence du maximum *) end ; (* # nouveau maximum *) end ; (* # indb de1a 10 *) END. if (!(jukesquick || kimquick || jinneiquick)) { prod = (double *)Malloc(sites*sizeof(double)); prod2 = (double *)Malloc(sites*sizeof(double)); prod3 = (double *)Malloc(sites*sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < endsite; i++) { memcpy(xx1, p->x[i], sizeof(sitelike)); memcpy(xx2, q->x[i], sizeof(sitelike)); xx1freqa = xx1[0] * freqa; xx1freqc = xx1[(long)C - (long)A] * freqc; xx1freqg = xx1[(long)G - (long)A] * freqg; xx1freqt = xx1[(long)T - (long)A] * freqt; sum1 = xx1freqa + xx1freqc + xx1freqg + xx1freqt; sum2 = freqa * xx2[0] + freqc * xx2[(long)C - (long)A] + freqg * xx2[(long)G - (long)A] + freqt * xx2[(long)T - (long)A]; prod[i] = sum1 * sum2; prod2[i] = (xx1freqa + xx1freqg) * (xx2[0] * freqar + xx2[(long)G - (long)A] * freqgr) + (xx1freqc + xx1freqt) * (xx2[(long)C - (long)A] * freqcy + xx2[(long)T - (long)A] * freqty); prod3[i] = xx1freqa * xx2[0] + xx1freqc * xx2[(long)C - (long)A] + xx1freqg * xx2[(long)G - (long)A] + xx1freqt * xx2[(long)T - (long)A]; } tt = 0.1; delta = 0.1; it = 1; while (it < iterations && fabs(delta) > 0.00002) { slope = 0.0; if (tt > 0.0) { lz = -tt; for (i = 0; i < categs; i++) { tbl[i].z1 = exp(tbl[i].ratxv * lz); tbl[i].y1 = 1.0 - tbl[i].z1; tbl[i].z1zz = exp(tbl[i].rat * lz); tbl[i].z1yy = tbl[i].z1 - tbl[i].z1zz; tbl[i].z1xv = tbl[i].z1 * xv; } for (i = 0; i < endsite; i++) { idx = category[alias[i] - 1]; cc = prod[i]; bb = prod2[i]; aa = prod3[i]; slope += weightrat[i] * (tbl[idx - 1].z1zz * (bb - aa) + tbl[idx - 1].z1xv * (cc - bb)) / (aa * tbl[idx - 1].z1zz + bb * tbl[idx - 1].z1yy + cc * tbl[idx - 1].y1); } } if (slope < 0.0) delta = fabs(delta) / -2.0; else delta = fabs(delta); tt += delta; it++; } vv = tt * fracchange; free(prod); import* ; class simja { public static void main(String args[]) { int nbobs, nbtos ; int mclass, iobs, itos, clas ; double href, haut, x,som ; int[] tclass ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // no comment ! // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mclass = 0 ; iobs = 1 ; while ((iobs <= nbobs)) { som = 0 ; itos = 1 ; while ((itos <= nbtos)) { x = Math.random() ; som = som + x * x ; itos = itos + 1 ; } ; // sur itos haut = href ; clas = 0 ; while ((som > haut)) { haut = haut + href ; clas = clas + 1 ; } ; // sur som>haut tclass[clas] = tclass[clas] + 1 ; if (clas > mclass) { mclass = clas ; } ; // clas > mclass iobs = iobs + 1 ; } ; // sur iobs for (int indi=1; indi<=mclass; indi++) { System.out.println(formatEntier( indi, 3 )+" : "+formatEntier(tclass[indi], 5 )) ; } ; // indi } // fin de la méthode main() } // fin de la classe simj
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