# fichier prst9709.plt pour gnuplot set terminal latex set output "prst9709.txp" # set title "Repr\'{e}sentation de $G$" set sample 1500 set size 1/2.,4/6. set nokey set xrange [0:4] set yrange [0:0.85] set xtics ("1" 1,"3" 3) set ytics ("0" 0,"1/4" 0.25,"1/2" 0.5,"3/4" 0.75,"1" 1) p(x) = (-3*x*x+12*x-7)/8 f(x) = (x<1 ? 0 : (x>3 ? 0 : p(x) ) ) g(x) = 0.25 plot f(x) , g(x) with lines 4 set terminal windows # replot # pause -1 "Hit return to continue"