Listing du fichier demoXmlTxt.txt
00002 ########################################################################
00003 #
00004 # 1. Test si un document est bien formé
00005 # dbf.xml : document bien formé
00006 # dmf.xml : document mal formé
00007 #
00008 ########################################################################
00010 # 1a. en perl
00012 testebfpe
00013 syntaxe : testebf fichier
00015 testebfpe dbf.xml
00017 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
00018 <xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
00019 xmlns:insee="" xmlns:xsd=""
00020 xmlns:actes=""
00021 elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
00022 <xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="siret.xsd"/>
00023 <xsd:attribute name="Arrondissement">
00024 <xsd:annotation>
00025 [...]
00026 <xsd:element name="Matieres">
00027 <xsd:complexType>
00028 <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
00029 <xsd:element name="Matiere1">
00030 <xsd:complexType>
00031 <xsd:complexContent>
00032 <xsd:extension base="actes:Matiere">
00033 <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
00034 <xsd:element name="Matiere2">
00035 <xsd:complexType>
00036 <xsd:complexContent>
00037 <xsd:extension base="actes:Matiere">
00038 <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
00039 <xsd:element name="Matiere3">
00040 <xsd:complexType>
00041 <xsd:complexContent>
00042 <xsd:extension base="actes:Matiere">
00043 <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
00044 <xsd:element name="Matiere4">
00045 <xsd:complexType>
00046 <xsd:complexContent>
00047 <xsd:extension base="actes:Matiere">
00048 <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
00049 <xsd:element name="Matiere5" type="actes:Matiere"></xsd:element>
00050 </xsd:sequence>
00051 </xsd:extension>
00052 </xsd:complexContent>
00053 </xsd:complexType>
00054 </xsd:element>
00055 </xsd:sequence>
00056 </xsd:extension>
00057 </xsd:complexContent>
00058 </xsd:complexType>
00059 </xsd:element>
00060 </xsd:sequence>
00061 </xsd:extension>
00062 </xsd:complexContent>
00063 </xsd:complexType>
00064 </xsd:element>
00065 </xsd:sequence>
00066 </xsd:extension>
00067 </xsd:complexContent>
00068 </xsd:complexType>
00069 </xsd:element>
00070 </xsd:sequence>
00071 </xsd:complexType>
00072 </xsd:element>
00073 </xsd:sequence>
00074 </xsd:complexType>
00075 </xsd:element>
00076 </xsd:schema>
00078 Le document nommé dbf.xml est bien formé.
00081 testebfpe dmf.xml
00083 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="titres.xsl"?><FILMS>
00084 <FILM Annee="1958">
00085 <TITRE>Vertigo</TITRE>
00086 <GENRE>Drame</GENRE><PAYS>USA</PAYS><MES idref="3"></MES>
00087 <ROLES>
00088 <ROLE><PRENOM>James</PRENOM><NOM>Stewart</NOM>
00089 [..]
00091 Document dmf.xml mal formé :
00093 mismatched tag at line 219, column 43, byte 11057 at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/ line 187
00095 # 1b. en php
00097 testebfph
00099 testebf.php (gH) 2012
00100 syntaxe : testebfph fichierXML
00101 exemple : testebfph dmf.xml
00103 testebfph dbf.xml
00104 Document dbf.xml bien formé
00106 testebfph dmf.xml
00108 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: NOM line 218 and ROLE
00109 in /home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml, line: 219 in /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php on line 26
00110 PHP Stack trace:
00111 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:0
00112 PHP 2. DOMDocument->load() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:26
00113 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): expected '>' in /home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml,
00114 line: 220 in /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php on line 26
00115 PHP Stack trace:
00116 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:0
00117 PHP 2. DOMDocument->load() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:26
00118 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: ROLES line 217 and FILM
00119 in /home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml, line: 225 in /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php on line 26
00120 PHP Stack trace:
00121 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:0
00122 PHP 2. DOMDocument->load() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:26
00123 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): expected '>' in /home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml,
00124 line: 705 in /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php on line 26
00125 PHP Stack trace:
00126 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:0
00127 PHP 2. DOMDocument->load() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:26
00128 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::load(): Premature end of data in tag FILMS line 3
00129 in /home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml, line: 706 in /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php on line 26
00130 PHP Stack trace:
00131 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:0
00132 PHP 2. DOMDocument->load() /home/gh/Bin/testebf.php:26
00134 Erreur, document dmf.xml mal formé
00136 # 1c. en java
00138 # 1d. avec rxp
00140 rxp -h
00141 usage: rxp [-abemnNsStvVx] [-o b|0|1|2|3] [-c encoding] [-u base_uri] [url]
00143 rxp -s dbf.xml
00145 rxp -s dmf.xml
00146 Error: Mismatched end tag: expected </NOM>, got </ROLE>
00147 in unnamed entity at line 219 char 48 of file:///home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/dmf.xml
00149 # 1e. avec xmllint
00151 xmllint
00152 Usage : xmllint [options] XMLfiles ...
00153 Parse the XML files and output the result of the parsing
00154 --version : display the version of the XML library used
00155 --debug : dump a debug tree of the in-memory document
00156 --shell : run a navigating shell
00157 --debugent : debug the entities defined in the document
00158 --copy : used to test the internal copy implementation
00159 --recover : output what was parsable on broken XML documents
00160 --huge : remove any internal arbitrary parser limits
00161 --noent : substitute entity references by their value
00162 --noout : don't output the result tree
00163 --path 'paths' : provide a set of paths for resources
00164 --load-trace : print trace of all external entites loaded
00165 --nonet : refuse to fetch DTDs or entities over network
00166 --nocompact : do not generate compact text nodes
00167 --htmlout : output results as HTML
00168 --nowrap : do not put HTML doc wrapper
00169 --valid : validate the document in addition to std well-formed check
00170 --postvalid : do a posteriori validation, i.e after parsing
00171 --dtdvalid URL : do a posteriori validation against a given DTD
00172 --dtdvalidfpi FPI : same but name the DTD with a Public Identifier
00173 --timing : print some timings
00174 --output file or -o file: save to a given file
00175 --repeat : repeat 100 times, for timing or profiling
00176 --insert : ad-hoc test for valid insertions
00177 --compress : turn on gzip compression of output
00178 --html : use the HTML parser
00179 --xmlout : force to use the XML serializer when using --html
00180 --push : use the push mode of the parser
00181 --memory : parse from memory
00182 --maxmem nbbytes : limits memory allocation to nbbytes bytes
00183 --nowarning : do not emit warnings from parser/validator
00184 --noblanks : drop (ignorable?) blanks spaces
00185 --nocdata : replace cdata section with text nodes
00186 --format : reformat/reindent the input
00187 --encode encoding : output in the given encoding
00188 --dropdtd : remove the DOCTYPE of the input docs
00189 --c14n : save in W3C canonical format v1.0 (with comments)
00190 --c14n11 : save in W3C canonical format v1.1 (with comments)
00191 --exc-c14n : save in W3C exclusive canonical format (with comments)
00192 --nsclean : remove redundant namespace declarations
00193 --testIO : test user I/O support
00194 --catalogs : use SGML catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES
00195 otherwise XML Catalogs starting from
00196 file:///etc/xml/catalog are activated by default
00197 --nocatalogs : deactivate all catalogs
00198 --auto : generate a small doc on the fly
00199 --xinclude : do XInclude processing
00200 --noxincludenode : same but do not generate XInclude nodes
00201 --nofixup-base-uris : do not fixup xml:base uris
00202 --loaddtd : fetch external DTD
00203 --dtdattr : loaddtd + populate the tree with inherited attributes
00204 --stream : use the streaming interface to process very large files
00205 --walker : create a reader and walk though the resulting doc
00206 --pattern pattern_value : test the pattern support
00207 --chkregister : verify the node registration code
00208 --relaxng schema : do RelaxNG validation against the schema
00209 --schema schema : do validation against the WXS schema
00210 --schematron schema : do validation against a schematron
00211 --sax1: use the old SAX1 interfaces for processing
00212 --sax: do not build a tree but work just at the SAX level
00213 --oldxml10: use XML-1.0 parsing rules before the 5th edition
00215 Libxml project home page:
00216 To report bugs or get some help check:
00218 xmllint --noout dbf.xml
00220 xmllint --noout dmf.xml
00221 dmf.xml:219: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: NOM line 218 and ROLE
00223 ^
00224 dmf.xml:220: parser error : expected '>'
00226 ^
00227 dmf.xml:225: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: ROLES line 217 and FILM
00228 </FILM>
00229 ^
00230 dmf.xml:705: parser error : expected '>'
00231 </FILMS>
00232 ^
00233 dmf.xml:706: parser error : Premature end of data in tag FILMS line 3
00236 xmlstarlet
00237 XMLStarlet Toolkit: Command line utilities for XML
00238 Usage: xml [<options>] <command> [<cmd-options>]
00239 where <command> is one of:
00240 ed (or edit) - Edit/Update XML document(s)
00241 sel (or select) - Select data or query XML document(s) (XPATH, etc)
00242 tr (or transform) - Transform XML document(s) using XSLT
00243 val (or validate) - Validate XML document(s) (well-formed/DTD/XSD/RelaxNG)
00244 fo (or format) - Format XML document(s)
00245 el (or elements) - Display element structure of XML document
00246 c14n (or canonic) - XML canonicalization
00247 ls (or list) - List directory as XML
00248 esc (or escape) - Escape special XML characters
00249 unesc (or unescape) - Unescape special XML characters
00250 pyx (or xmln) - Convert XML into PYX format (based on ESIS - ISO 8879)
00251 p2x (or depyx) - Convert PYX into XML
00252 <options> are:
00253 --version - show version
00254 --help - show help
00255 Wherever file name mentioned in command help it is assumed
00256 that URL can be used instead as well.
00258 Type: xml <command> --help <ENTER> for command help
00260 XMLStarlet is a command line toolkit to query/edit/check/transform
00261 XML documents (for more information see
00263 xmlstarlet val -w dbf.xml
00264 dbf.xml - valid
00266 xmlstarlet val -w dmf.xml
00267 dmf.xml:219: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: NOM line 218 and ROLE
00269 ^
00270 dmf.xml:220: parser error : expected '>'
00272 ^
00273 dmf.xml:225: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: ROLES line 217 and FILM
00274 </FILM>
00275 ^
00276 dmf.xml:705: parser error : expected '>'
00277 </FILMS>
00278 ^
00279 dmf.xml:706: parser error : Premature end of data in tag FILMS line 3
00281 ^
00282 dmf.xml - invalid
00284 ########################################################################
00285 #
00286 # 2. Test si un document est valide pour sa dtd
00287 # adv.xml : document valide pour id.dtd
00288 # adn.xml : document non valide pour id.dtd
00289 #
00290 ########################################################################
00292 # 2a. en perl
00294 testevdpe
00295 syntaxe : testevd fichier_XML fichier_DTD
00297 testevdpe adv.xml id.dtd
00298 <id>
00299 <nom> BOND </nom>
00300 <prenom> James </prenom>
00301 </id>
00302 Le document nommé adv.xml est valide pour sa dtd nommée id.dtd
00304 testevdpe adn.xml id.dtd
00305 <id>
00306 <nom> BOND </nom>
00307 </id>XML::Checker ERROR-154: bad order of Elements Found=[nom] RE=[((nom)(prenom))]
00308 Context: line 5, column 0, byte 98
00309 Le document nommé adn.xml est non valide pour sa dtd nommée id.dtd
00311 # 2b. en php
00313 testevdph
00315 testevd.php (gH) 2012
00316 syntaxe : testevdph fichierXML fichierDTD
00317 exemple : testevdph dnv.xml id.dtd
00319 testevdph adv.xml id.dtd
00320 Document adv.xml bien formé et valide pour id.dtd
00322 testevdph adn.xml id.dtd
00323 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::validate(): Element id content does not follow the DTD, expecting (nom , prenom), got (nom ) in /home/gh/Bin/testevd.php on line 30
00324 PHP Stack trace:
00325 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testevd.php:0
00326 PHP 2. DOMDocument->validate() /home/gh/Bin/testevd.php:30
00328 Erreur, document adn.xml non valide pour id.dtd
00330 # 2c. en java
00332 # 2d. avec rxp
00334 rxp -V -s adv.xml
00336 rxp -V -s adn.xml
00337 Warning: Content model for id does not allow it to end here
00338 in unnamed entity at line 5 char 5 of file:///home/gh/public_html/tuteurs/adn.xml
00340 # 2e. avec xmllint
00341 ?xmllint --valid --noout dbf.xml
00342 ?xmllint --valid --noout dmf.xml
00344 # 2f. avec xmlstarlet
00346 xmlstarlet val --help
00347 XMLStarlet Toolkit: Validate XML document(s)
00348 Usage: xml val <options> [ <xml-file-or-uri> ... ]
00349 where <options>
00350 -w or --well-formed - validate well-formedness only (default)
00351 -d or --dtd <dtd-file> - validate against DTD
00352 -s or --xsd <xsd-file> - validate against XSD schema
00353 -E or --embed - validate using embedded DTD
00354 -r or --relaxng <rng-file> - validate against Relax-NG schema
00355 -e or --err - print verbose error messages on stderr
00356 -b or --list-bad - list only files which do not validate
00357 -g or --list-good - list only files which validate
00358 -q or --quiet - do not list files (return result code only)
00360 NOTE: XML Schemas are not fully supported yet due to its incomplete
00361 support in libxml2 (see
00363 XMLStarlet is a command line toolkit to query/edit/check/transform
00364 XML documents (for more information see
00366 xmlstarlet val -d id.dtd adv.xml
00367 adv.xml - valid
00369 xmlstarlet val -d id.dtd adn.xml
00370 adn.xml:5: element id: validity error : Element id content does not follow the DTD, expecting (nom , prenom), got (nom )
00371 </id>
00372 ^
00373 adn.xml:3: element id: validity error : Element id content does not follow the DTD, expecting (nom , prenom), got (nom )
00374 adn.xml - invalid
00376 ########################################################################
00377 #
00378 # 3. Test si un document est valide pour sa xsd
00379 # axv.xml : document valide pour id.xsd
00380 # axn.xml : document non valide pour id.xsd
00381 #
00382 ########################################################################
00384 # 3a. en perl
00386 testevspe
00387 syntaxe : testevsp fichier[.xml] schema[.xsd]
00389 testevspe axv.xml id.xsd
00390 <id xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="id.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
00391 <nom> BOND </nom>
00392 <prenom> James </prenom>
00393 </id>
00394 Le document axv.xml est valide pour son schéma xsd.
00396 testevspe axn.xml id.xsd
00397 le document nommé axn.xml n'est pas valide pour son schéma : Contents of element 'id' do not match content model '(nom,prenom)'.
00398 <id xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="id.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
00399 <nom> BOND </nom>
00400 </id>
00402 # 3b. en php
00404 testevsph
00406 testevs.php (gH) 2012
00407 syntaxe : testevsph fichierXML fichierXSL
00408 exemple : testevsph dv.xml id.xsd
00410 testevsph axv.xml id.xsd
00411 Document axv.xml bien formé et valide pour id.xsd
00413 testevsph axn.xml id.xsd
00414 PHP Warning: DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element 'id': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( prenom ). in /home/gh/Bin/testevs.php on line 38
00415 PHP Stack trace:
00416 PHP 1. {main}() /home/gh/Bin/testevs.php:0
00417 PHP 2. DOMDocument->schemaValidate() /home/gh/Bin/testevs.php:38
00419 Erreur, document axn.xml non valide pour id.xsd
00421 # 3c. en java
00423 # 3d. avec xmlstarlet
00425 xmlstarlet val -s id.xsd axv.xml
00426 axv.xml - valid
00428 xmlstarlet val -s id.xsd axn.xml
00429 axn.xml - invalid
00431 ########################################################################
00432 #
00433 # 4. Transformation XSL sur un document XML
00434 #
00435 ########################################################################
00437 # 4a. en perl
00438 # 4b. en php
00439 # 4c. en java
00440 # 4c. avec xmlstarlet
00442 xmlstarlet tr --help
00443 XMLStarlet Toolkit: Transform XML document(s) using XSLT
00444 Usage: xml tr [<options>] <xsl-file> {-p|-s <name>=<value>} [<xml-file>...]
00445 where
00446 <xsl-file> - main XSLT stylesheet for transformation
00447 <xml-file> - input XML document file/URL (stdin is used if missing)
00448 <name>=<value> - name and value of the parameter passed to XSLT processor
00449 -p - parameter is XPATH expression ("'string'" to quote string)
00450 -s - parameter is a string literal
00451 <options> are:
00452 --help or -h - diplay help message
00453 --omit-decl - omit xml declaration <?xml version="1.0"?>
00454 --embed or -E - allow applying embedded stylesheet
00455 --show-ext - show list of extensions
00456 --val - allow validate against DTDs or schemas
00457 --net - allow fetch DTDs or entities over network
00458 --xinclude - do XInclude processing on document input
00459 --maxdepth val - increase the maximum depth
00460 --html - input document(s) is(are) in HTML format
00461 --catalogs - use SGML catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES
00462 otherwise XML catalogs starting from
00463 file:///etc/xml/catalog are activated by default
00465 XMLStarlet is a command line toolkit to query/edit/check/transform
00466 XML documents (for more information see
00468 Current implementation uses libxslt from GNOME codebase as XSLT processor
00469 (see for more details)
00471 #xmlstarlet val -s id.xsd axv.xml
00473 # 4d. avec xsltproc
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