######################################################################################################### ## fichier install.sh pour ActiveTcl ######################################################################################################### #!/bin/sh # Shell wrapper around the main installation script. Will use the # wish or tclsh inside of the distribution to execute this # installer. # # Auto-detects the location of the distribution. Auto-detects # availability of X and chooses between gui and terminal based # installers using this information. dist=`dirname $0` # initialize the environment so that the distributed "wish" and # "tclsh" are able to find their libraries despite being crippled with # the special path value we will replace later during the installation # with the actual path to the installation. TCL_LIBRARY=$dist/payload/lib/tcl8.6 TK_LIBRARY=$dist/payload/lib/tk8.6 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dist/payload/lib DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dist/payload/lib SHLIB_PATH=$dist/payload/lib LIBPATH=$dist/payload/lib export TCL_LIBRARY TK_LIBRARY LD_LIBRARY_PATH DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH SHLIB_PATH LIBPATH # Determine availability of X and choose an installer based on that # information. if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal? if [ x"$DISPLAY" != x -a x"$xterm_loop" = x ]; then # No, but do we have X? # Check for valid DISPLAY variable if [ `echo exit | $dist/payload/bin/wish8.6 2>&1 | grep fail | wc -l` -eq 0 ] then echo _____________________________________________ echo Launching graphical installer on $DISPLAY echo ... $dist/payload/bin/wish8.6 $dist/install.tk "$@" # pwd = inside the unpacked distribution ... # go one level up and remove the directory #cd .. #rm -rf $dist exit fi fi fi # No X, use the terminal based installer $dist/payload/bin/tclsh8.6 $dist/install.tcl "$@" # pwd = inside the unpacked distribution ... # go one level up and remove the directory #cd .. #rm -rf $dist exit ######################################################################################################### ## fichier install.tk utilisé ######################################################################################################### # -*- tcl -*- # Main installation script for ActiveTcl # -------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2001-2008, ActiveState Software Inc. # All Rights Reserved. package require Tcl 8.4 global argv argc set pargv $argv ; set argv {} ; set argc 0 foreach d $auto_path { foreach a [glob -nocomplain -directory $d P-*] { lappend auto_path $a } } lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] lib] # Uses labelframe and other 8.4+ widgets package require Tk 8.4 wm withdraw . proc abortretryignore {msg} { set b [tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -type abortretryignore \ -icon question \ -default no \ -title "Abort, retry, ignore?" \ -message "$msg"] return $b } set ::CONFIRM 1 proc cancel {} { if {!$::CONFIRM || [tk_messageBox -parent . -type yesno -icon question \ -default no -title "Cancel Installation?" \ -message "Are you sure you want to cancel installation?"] \ == "yes"} { exit 0 } } # Create something that says "we're working" ASAP if we are in a starkit # This provides something to distract folks while we load stuff # out of the base kit proc working {} { set t [toplevel .working] wm withdraw $t wm protocol $t WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit wm title $t "Loading installation ..." if {$::tcl_version > 8.4} { ttk::label $t.msg -text "Loading installation from archive ..." \ -font {Helvetica 14} ttk::button $t.btn -text "Cancel" -command cancel } else { label $t.msg -text "Loading installation from archive ..." \ -font {Helvetica 14} button $t.btn -width 8 -text "Cancel" -pady 2 -command cancel } grid $t.msg -sticky ew -padx 6 -pady 4 # At the moment, it appears that loading from the starkit starves the # event loop, so showing the Cancel button is pointless #grid $t.btn -sticky e -padx 6 -pady 6 wm resizable $t 0 0 catch {tk::PlaceWindow $t center} wm deiconify $t raise $t update } if {[info exists starkit::topdir]} { working } package require BWidget if {$::tcl_version < 8.5} { package require tile } # Make BWidgets use tile themed widgets Widget::theme 1 ## package require comm ; puts "COMM: [comm::comm self]" proc main {} { destroy .working wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW cancel if {$::AT(DEBUG)} { wm title . "$::AT(Company) $::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION) (Debug) Installer" } else { wm title . "$::AT(Company) $::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION) Installer" } # Set some defaults we want to use option add *Scrollbar.highlightthickness 1 option add *Text.borderWidth 0 option add *Text.highlightthickness 0 # Read the logo and create an image from it. # FIX: We need the version of the Tcl that we are installing, not # that of the installer, which may differ. #set inst_version [string range $::AT(VERSION) 0 2] set file [file join $::SCRIPT_DIR install_images banner.gif] if {![file exists $file]} { return -code error "Logo file missing" } image create photo LOGO -file $file set file [file join $::SCRIPT_DIR install_images banner_upsell.gif] if {![file exists $file]} { return -code error "Logo upsell file missing" } image create photo LOGO_UPSELL -file $file set sep [ttk::separator .sep -orient horizontal] set left [ttk::frame .left] set width 0 if {$::tcl_version > 8.4} { set width [expr {[font measure TkFixedFont a]*79}] } set ::BASE [PagesManager .right -height 150 -width $width] set ::BTNS [ttk::frame .btns] set ::LOGOBTN [ttk::label $left.logo -image LOGO] pack $left.logo -expand 0 -fill both -side top grid $left $::BASE -sticky news grid $sep -columnspan 2 -sticky ew grid $::BTNS -columnspan 2 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure $::BTNS 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 set ::CANCEL [ttk::button $::BTNS.cncl -text "Cancel" \ -command { cancel }] set ::NEXT [ttk::button $::BTNS.next -text "Next >" \ -command {set ::WAIT 1}] set ::BACK [ttk::button $::BTNS.back -text "< Back" \ -command {set ::WAIT -1}] grid $::BACK $::NEXT $::CANCEL -sticky e -padx 6 -pady 8 grid configure $::BACK -padx 0 if {$::tcl_version > 8.3} { grid configure $::NEXT -padx {0 6} } # By default, invoke the Next button on bind . { next } # Magic debug console invocation bind . { catch {console show} } # Initial license acceptance parameter set ::ACCEPT 0 # Default install directory if {$::auto} { # Auto accepts the license implicitly. set ::ACCEPT 1 # Standard configuration when doing a fully automatic # installation. Partially influenced by command line # options. set ::INSTALL_DIR $::autocfg(installdir) set ::DEMO_DIR $::autocfg(demodir) set ::RUNTIME_DIR $::autocfg(runtimedir) set ::INSTALL_MODE $::autocfg(mode) set ::INSTALL_SEED $::autocfg(repo) } else { set ::INSTALL_DIR [default_installdir] } # Default install error message set ::ERRMSG "" if {0} { # Bugzilla 19731 ... if {[string equal "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { set ::ADMIN [has_admin_permissions] } else { set ::ADMIN 1 ; # Fake for unix } } # Note: The procedures open and manipulate the user interface. # They use [vwait] to enter the eventloop where needed so that # sequencing control is not taken from [main]. if {$::auto} { # Automatic configuration, skip the config pages, jump # directly to the execution of the installation. We still # have to auto-click the 'NEXT' button to actually start the # install. For this we hook into 'wait_next'. set state 9 } else { # Manual configuration, go through all pages. set state 1 } while {$state} { #puts =$state switch -exact $state { 1 { incr state [intro $::BASE] } 2 { incr state [license $::BASE] } 3 { # This page is always skipped when backstepping # from get_installdir. incr state [check_previous_install $::BASE] } 4 { incr state [get_installdir $::BASE] # Note: The check of the installdir this page performs # after the selection has been accepted my cause the # overinstall check to be skipped (by incrementing the # state by 2). } 5 { incr state [overinstall $::BASE] } 6 { incr state [get_demodir $::BASE] } 7 { # This page is always skipped when backstepping from [install_ready] if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} { # This is not relevant for windows. Therefore skip the page. incr state } else { incr state [get_runtimedir $::BASE] } } 8 { incr state [seed_repository $::BASE] } 9 { incr state [install_ready $::BASE] } 10 { #puts Done exit 0 } default { return -code error "Unknown run state \"$state\"" } } } #puts =$state } # ---------------------------------------------- proc intro {pages} { set pname intro set page [$pages getframe $pname] set welcome_msg $::WELCOME set next 1 if {![winfo exists $page]} { # This check has to be done only once. # And if there is trouble there is neither next nor # backstepping from a later page. #puts mode/$::AT(MODE) set page [$pages add $pname] set sw [ScrolledWindow $page.msg -auto vertical -scrollbar vertical] set t [text $page.msg.t \ -wrap word -tabs {5m 10m 28m 40m 55m 65m 80m} \ -width 80 -height 8 -background [. cget -background]] $sw setwidget $t if {[string match "log *" $welcome_msg]} { set ::LOGWIN $t init_tags $t eval $welcome_msg set ::LOGWIN {} } else { $t insert end $welcome_msg } $t configure -state disabled grid $page.msg -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 4 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 #$pages compute_size } $pages raise $pname # Return value to move to next state, no BACK button for this one if {$next} { return [wait_next 0] } else { return [wait_next 0 0 "Exit"] } } proc init_tags {tw} { $tw tag configure error -background #EE5555 $tw tag configure warning -background yellow if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { $tw tag configure hype \ -background "#edeadb" -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tw tag configure note \ -background lightyellow \ -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } else { $tw tag configure hype \ -background white -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tw tag configure note \ -background lightyellow \ -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } $tw tag configure url -background lightblue -relief flat \ -borderwidth 1 $tw tag configure heading -font {helvetica 12 bold} $tw tag configure emphasis -font {helvetica 8 bold} return } proc license_ok {} { $::NEXT configure -state [expr {$::ACCEPT ? "normal" : "disabled"}] } proc disable_next {} { $::NEXT configure -state disabled } proc license {pages} { set pname license set page [$pages getframe $pname] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add $pname] grid [ScrolledWindow $page.s -managed 0 -bd 1 -relief sunken] \ -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 4 set tw [text $page.s.t -height 5 -wrap word] $page.s setwidget $tw ttk::radiobutton $page.ok -variable ::ACCEPT -value 1 \ -command license_ok \ -text "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" ttk::radiobutton $page.no -variable ::ACCEPT -value 0 \ -command license_ok \ -text "I do not accept the terms in the License Agreement" grid $page.ok -stick we -padx 4 grid $page.no -stick we -padx 4 grid columnconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 $tw insert end [license_text] $tw configure -state disabled # Accept focus even when disabled bind $tw <1> { focus %W } bind $tw { next } # On windows this resizes the installer window, causing a gap # between the bottom of the logo and the separator, seemingly # because of different vertical sizes for the scroll window # and the radio buttons. #$pages compute_size } after idle license_ok $pages raise $pname # Return value to move to next state return [wait_next] } # ---------------------------------------------- # INSTALLATION CHECK ROUTINES # ---------------------------------------------- proc cinst_page {pages msg} { if {[string length $msg]} { set page [$pages getframe cinst] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add cinst] ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 8 -pady 4 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $page 0 -weight 1 } $page.msg configure -text $msg $pages raise cinst set res [wait_next] catch {destroy $::BTNS.unst} return $res } return 1 } proc lookfor_previous_install {pages} { # This procedure is similar to ''check_previous_install'' (see # after this proc). Instead of asking to uninstall a previous # installation it wants to have such. This is used by the # 'lite' distribution to find the ActiveTcl installation to # upgrade. # Note that in contrast to ''check_previous_install'' this # procedure does not constitute its own page. It is called # by the ''intro'' page procedure and returns an error code # (0 = error, 1 = ok) and a message. The message can be set # even if there are no problems. # We can't do this for Unix. For these platforms the check is # done after querying the user for a directory. if {![string equal "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { return {1 ""} } set ap [admin_possible] if { [locate_component TclDevKit 1 ver key] || [locate_component TclDevKit 0 ver key] } { # We have Tcl/DevKit already, no need to install it. set msg "$::AT(PGROUP) $ver is already installed. \ \nIt is not possible to install $::AT(PGROUP) $::AT(VERSION)." set next 0 } elseif { !($ap && [locate_component ActiveTcl [set admin 1] ver key]) && ![locate_component ActiveTcl [set admin 0] ver key] } { # There is no ActiveTcl installed. Lite cannot be installed. # FIXME: We might want to check for an installation # of Tcl/DevKit to give a more accurate error message. set msg "No installation of ActiveTcl found. \ \nIt is not possible to install $::AT(NAME)." set next 0 } else { # ActiveTcl found, but is it ok too ? if {[catch {registry get "$key\\$ver" ""} verdir]} { # This means that Lite should not be installed, it # would mean trouble. set msg "Previously installed version \"$ver\"\ partially uninstalled.\ It is not possible to use \"$::AT(NAME)\"." set next 0 } elseif {[string match "" $ver]} { set msg "You are currently using ActiveTcl $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\n$::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION) cannot be used\ with this installation.\nPlease install\ ActiveTcl or higher." set next 0 } elseif { ([regexp -all {\.} $ver] == 3) && [package vsatisfies $ver] } { # It is of type M.m.p.build and is >= # If it satisfies installation may proceed if {[package vsatisfies $ver]} { set msg "Upgrading ActiveTcl $ver \ (installed in $verdir)\nusing\ $::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION)" # Use the location of ActiveTcl for our installation too. set ::INSTALL_DIR $verdir } else { set msg "You are currently using ActiveTcl $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\n$::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION) cannot be used\ with this installation. Please install\ ActiveTcl or higher." set next 0 } } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed ActiveTcl version \"$ver\".\ \n\n$::AT(NAME) $::AT(VERSION) cannot be used\ with this installation." set next 0 } } ## The checking is done, now show the results. if {![string length $msg]} { set msg "Internal error, no message was set" set next 0 } if {$next} { # Install is ok. Set the mode according to the # installation we found. if {!$admin} { set ::INSTALL_MODE user } else { set ::INSTALL_MODE admin } } return [list $next $msg] } proc check_previous_install {pages} { # The purpose of this is to verify how we will interact with # previous installations. At this point, it only helps uninstall # ActiveTcl since that had no uninstaller. if {![string equal "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { return 1 } package require registry set msg "" set found [locate_component $::AT(PGROUP) \ [string equal $::INSTALL_MODE admin] \ ver key] set recuninstall 0 if {$found} { if {[catch {registry get "$key\\$ver" ""} verdir]} { set msg "Previously installed version \"$ver\"\ partially uninstalled." } elseif {[string equal $::AT(MODE) normal] && [string match "" $ver]} { set msg "You are currently using a previous install\ of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\nDo you want to uninstall this before continuing?" ttk::button $::BTNS.unst -text "Uninstall" \ -command [subst { uninstall- [list [file join $verdir]] # We restart this screen to start the process over. destroy $::BTNS.unst # The value one means continue after finishing uninstall set ::WAIT 1 }] grid $::BTNS.unst -row 0 } elseif {[regexp -all {\.} $ver] == 3} { if {[string equal $::AT(MODE) normal] && [package vsatisfies $ver]} { # It is of type M.m.p.build and is >= # set msg "You are currently using a previous install\ of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\It is recommended that you uninstall this before\ continuing." set recuninstall 1 } elseif {[string equal $::AT(MODE) pro]} { if { [package vsatisfies $ver] || [package vsatisfies $ver 2.5] || [package vsatisfies $ver 3.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 4.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 5.0] } { # It is of type M.m.p.build and is >=, >= 2.5, >= 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 # set msg "You are currently using a previous install\ of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\It is recommended that you uninstall this before\ continuing." set recuninstall 1 } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } elseif {[regexp -all {\.} $ver] == 2} { if {[string equal $::AT(MODE) pro]} { if { [package vsatisfies $ver 2.5] || [package vsatisfies $ver 3.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 4.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 5.0] } { # It is of type M.m.p and is >= 2.5, >= 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 # Example: 2.6.1 # set msg "You are currently using a previous install\ of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\It is recommended that you uninstall this before\ continuing." set recuninstall 1 } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } elseif {[regexp -all {\.} $ver] == 1} { # Bugzilla 19735 ... # Version is of type M.n . First product with that number of dots so "TclDevKit 2.0" if {[string equal $::AT(MODE) pro]} { if { [package vsatisfies $ver 2.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 3.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 4.0] || [package vsatisfies $ver 5.0] } { # It is of type M.n and is >= 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 # set msg "You are currently using a previous install\ of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\ \n\t(installed in $verdir)\ \n\It is recommended that you uninstall this before\ continuing." set recuninstall 1 } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } else { set msg "Unrecognized installed $::AT(PGROUP) version \"$ver\"." } } if { $recuninstall && ([package vcompare $::AT(VERSION) 8.5] >= 0) && ([package vcompare $ver 8.5] < 0) && ([package vcompare $ver 8.4] >= 0) } { # The current distribution is 8.5+, and the previously # installed distribution is 8.4+, but not 8.5. This means that # the current distribution can take advantage of the packages # in the previous distribution. Replace the recommendation to # uninstall the previous with a recommendation to install into # the same directory. set msg "" append msg "You are currently using a previous install of $::AT(PGROUP) $ver.\n" append msg "\t(installed in $verdir)\n\n" append msg "It is recommended that you keep it and install this distribution\n" append msg "into the same directory, to take advantage of the packages found\n" append msg "in the existing installation." } return [cinst_page $pages $msg] } # ---------------------------------------------- proc browse_dir {e} { set idir [$e get] if {$idir == {}} { set dir [tk_chooseDirectory \ -title "Choose installation directory"] } else { set dir [tk_chooseDirectory \ -title "Choose installation directory" \ -initialdir $idir] } set dir [file nativename $dir] if {[string length $dir]} { $e delete 0 end $e insert end $dir } } proc install_ok {dir} { $::NEXT configure -state [expr {($dir == "")?"disabled":"normal"}] return 1 } proc get_installdir {pages} { set pname query set page [$pages getframe $pname] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add $pname] # Bugzilla 19731 ... Depending on whether the installing user # has admin privileges are not he is either notified that a # personal installation is performed, or given the choice # between common and personal installations. Default is a # personal installation. if {[string equal "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { set ap [admin_possible] # Regular installation of a master component. # We allow mode selection based on the permissions # for the user. if {!$ap} { set ::INSTALL_MODE user } else { set ::INSTALL_MODE admin } # else: component - mode was set according to the # installation we found earlier (lookfor_...). And that # search was restricted by the permissions the user had as # well. I.e. we won't get an admin install even if present # if the current user has no admin permissions. set ::INSTALL_PATHEXT [pathext_possible] set ::INSTALL_REG_TCL 1 set ::INSTALL_REG_TBC 1 set label "Please specify installation directory and mode." ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text $label ttk::labelframe $page.imode -text "Installation mode" set area $page.imode if {[string equal "Windows 95" $::tcl_platform(os)]} { set ::INSTALL_MODE admin } ttk::radiobutton $area.personal -value user \ -variable ::INSTALL_MODE -text "Install for current user only" ttk::radiobutton $area.common -value admin \ -variable ::INSTALL_MODE -text \ "Install for all users (requires Administrative privileges)" if {[string equal "Windows 95" $::tcl_platform(os)]} { $area.personal configure -state disabled } if {!$ap} { $area.common configure -state disabled } if { ![string equal $::AT(MODE) pro] } { ttk::labelframe $page.rmode -text "Registry Settings" set rarea $page.rmode ttk::checkbutton $rarea.pext -variable ::INSTALL_PATHEXT \ -text "Add \".tcl\" to your executable path extensions (PATHEXT)" if {!$::INSTALL_PATHEXT} { $rarea.pext configure -state disabled } ttk::checkbutton $rarea.rtcl -variable ::INSTALL_REG_TCL \ -command [subst { if {\$::INSTALL_REG_TCL} { $rarea.rtbc configure -state normal } else { $rarea.rtbc configure -state disabled } }] \ -text "Associate \".tcl\" extension to ActiveTcl $::AT(tcl_VERSION)" ttk::checkbutton $rarea.rtbc -variable ::INSTALL_REG_TBC \ -text "Associate \".tbc\" extension to ActiveTcl $::AT(tcl_VERSION)" grid $rarea.pext -sticky new -padx 4 grid $rarea.rtcl -sticky new -padx 4 grid $rarea.rtbc -sticky new -padx {16 4} grid columnconfigure $rarea 0 -weight 1 } grid $area.personal -sticky new -padx 4 grid $area.common -sticky new -padx 4 grid columnconfigure $area 0 -weight 1 grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $page.imode -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 if { ![string equal $::AT(MODE) pro] } { grid $page.rmode -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 } } else { ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text "Please specify the installation directory." grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 } ttk::label $page.errmsg -anchor nw -justify left -foreground red ttk::frame $page.dir ttk::entry $page.ent -width 40 -validate key \ -validatecommand { install_ok %P } ttk::button $page.browse -image [Bitmap::get open] \ -command [list browse_dir $page.ent] grid $page.errmsg -sticky new -padx 8 grid $page.dir -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 2 grid $page.ent $page.browse -in $page.dir -sticky news grid columnconfigure $page.dir 0 -weight 1 bind $page.ent { next } set expandRow [expr {[lindex [grid size $page] 1] - 2}] grid rowconfigure $page $expandRow -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 } $pages raise $pname focus $page.ent $page.ent delete 0 end $page.ent insert end $::INSTALL_DIR after idle [list $page.ent validate] if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { $page.errmsg configure -text $::ERRMSG } # -2 means skip over check_previous_install when going back set res [wait_next -2] set ::INSTALL_DIR [file nativename [file normalize [$page.ent get]]] set ::DEMO_DIR [default_demodir $::INSTALL_DIR] set ::RUNTIME_DIR $::INSTALL_DIR if {$res < 0} { return $res } ## Here is the place where the entered directory is verified. foreach {::INSTALL_DIR ::ERRMSG} [check_installdir $::INSTALL_DIR] {break} if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { # Something wrong with dir, do this again return 0 } elseif {[string length $::AT(InstVersion)]} { # That we are here means that overinstallation was/is allowed. # Moved to next step (overinstall check). set ::ERRMSG "" return 1 } else { # Skip the overinstall check set ::ERRMSG "" return 2 } } # ---------------------------------------------- proc overinstall {pages} { set page [$pages getframe overinstall] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add overinstall] ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text [overinstall_warning] grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 8 -pady 4 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $page 0 -weight 1 } $pages raise overinstall return [wait_next] } # ---------------------------------------------- proc get_demodir {pages} { set pname demos set page [$pages getframe $pname] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add $pname] ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text "Please specify the demos directory." ttk::label $page.errmsg -anchor nw -justify left -foreground red grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $page.errmsg -sticky new -padx 8 ttk::frame $page.dir ttk::entry $page.ent -width 40 -validate key \ -validatecommand { install_ok %P } ttk::button $page.browse -image [Bitmap::get open] \ -command [list browse_dir $page.ent] grid $page.dir -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 2 grid $page.ent $page.browse -in $page.dir -sticky news grid columnconfigure $page.dir 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $page 0 -weight 1 bind $page.ent { next } } $pages raise $pname focus $page.ent $page.ent delete 0 end $page.ent insert end $::DEMO_DIR after idle [list $page.ent validate] if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { $page.errmsg configure -text $::ERRMSG } # -2 means skip over overinstall warning when going back set res [wait_next -2] set ::DEMO_DIR [file nativename [file normalize [$page.ent get]]] if {$res < 0} { return $res } foreach {::DEMO_DIR ::ERRMSG} [check_demodir $::DEMO_DIR] {break} if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { # Something wrong with dir, do this again return 0 } else { return 1 } } # ---------------------------------------------- proc get_runtimedir {pages} { set pname runtime set page [$pages getframe $pname] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add $pname] ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text "Please specify the runtime installation directory.\n This is the directory the applications will see as their installation directory when searching for packages and libraries, instead of the directory the files were copied to.\n In most circumstances this is the same as the installation directory chosen before." ttk::label $page.errmsg -anchor nw -justify left -foreground red grid $page.msg -columnspan 2 -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $page.errmsg -columnspan 2 -sticky new -padx 8 ttk::frame $page.dir ttk::entry $page.ent -width 40 -validate key \ -validatecommand { install_ok %P } ttk::button $page.browse -image [Bitmap::get open] \ -command [list browse_dir $page.ent] grid $page.dir -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 2 grid $page.ent $page.browse -in $page.dir -sticky news grid columnconfigure $page.dir 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $page 0 -weight 1 bind $page.ent { next } } $pages raise $pname focus $page.ent $page.ent delete 0 end $page.ent insert end $::RUNTIME_DIR after idle [list $page.ent validate] if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { $page.errmsg configure -text $::ERRMSG } set res [wait_next] set ::RUNTIME_DIR [file nativename [file normalize [$page.ent get]]] if {$res < 0} { return $res } foreach {::RUNTIME_DIR ::ERRMSG} [check_runtimedir $::RUNTIME_DIR] {break} if {[string length $::ERRMSG]} { # Something wrong with dir, do this again return 0 } else { return 1 } } # ---------------------------------------------- # Path equality. On win we have to "normalize" both sides further to # eliminate differences in letter casing and forward vs backward # slashes. if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { # Windows proc peq {pa pb} { string equal -nocase [file nativename $pa] [file nativename $pb] } } else { # Unix proc peq {pa pb} { string equal $pa $pb } } proc seed_repository {pages} { # state 8 if {![file exists $::SCRIPT_DIR/payload/lib/teapot]} { # The distribution has no seed repository, ignore this panel # and skip to the next state. No seed repository will be # installed. set ::INSTALL_SEED existing return 1 } if {![file exists $::INSTALL_DIR/lib/teapot]} { # The destination directory has no repository either, ignore # this panel, and skip to the next state. The seed repository # we have will be installed unconditionally, through simple # file copy (install_all handles that) set ::INSTALL_SEED existing return 1 } # The distribution has a seed repository, and the destination has # a repository as well. We have to ask the user about what to do. # Options given to her: # (1) Keep existing repository, ignore seed. # (2) Use seed, and remove existing repository to make way. # (3) Merge seed with existing repository (slow). set pname seed_repository set page [$pages getframe $pname] if {![winfo exists $page]} { set page [$pages add $pname] set label "This distribution comes with a seed repository, which is found to be in\n" append label "conflict with an existing repository at the chosen destination for the\n" append label "installation. Please specify how to handle this conflict." ttk::label $page.msg -anchor nw -justify left -width 70 \ -text $label ttk::labelframe $page.cres -text "Conflict resolution" set area $page.cres set ::INSTALL_SEED existing ttk::radiobutton $area.existing -variable ::INSTALL_SEED -value existing \ -text "Keep the existing repository, and ignore the seed repository" ttk::radiobutton $area.seed -variable ::INSTALL_SEED -value seed \ -text "Replace the existing repository with the seed repository" ttk::radiobutton $area.merge -variable ::INSTALL_SEED -value merge \ -text "Merge the contents of the seed repository into the existing repository" grid $page.msg -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $page.cres -sticky new -padx 4 -pady 4 grid $area.existing -sticky new -padx 4 grid $area.seed -sticky new -padx 4 grid $area.merge -sticky new -padx 4 grid columnconfigure $area 0 -weight 1 } $pages raise $pname set res [wait_next] if {$res < 0} { return -2 ; # skip state 7, get_runtimedir #return $res ; # We are state 8 } return 1 } proc install_ready {pages} { global tw set pname ready set page [$pages getframe $pname] set firsttime 0 if {![winfo exists $page]} { set firsttime 1 set page [$pages add $pname] grid [ScrolledWindow $page.s -managed 0 -bd 1 -relief sunken] \ -sticky news -padx 4 -pady 4 # make this word wrap to avoid ScrolledWindow infinite loop # scrollbar bug set tw [text $page.s.t -width 20 -height 8 -wrap word] $page.s setwidget $tw grid columnconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $page 0 -weight 1 init_tags $tw # Accept focus even when disabled bind $tw <1> { focus %W } bind $tw { next } } $tw configure -state normal $tw delete 1.0 end $tw insert 1.0 "Press 'Next' to begin installation\n" "" \ " Installation Directory:\t[file nativename $::INSTALL_DIR]\n" # FUTURE: Instead of looking at the mode just query the # FUTURE: distribution if there is a demo dir which requires # FUTURE: installation. Do the same to decide if we should query # FUTURE: the user for installation of demos. $tw insert end " Demos Directory:\t[file nativename $::DEMO_DIR]\n" set dres [peq $::DEMO_DIR [set drdir [file normalize $::DEMO_DIR]]] if {![string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} { if {[string equal $::INSTALL_DIR $::RUNTIME_DIR]} { $tw insert end " Runtime Directory:\tSee Installation Directory\n" set rres 1 } else { $tw insert end " Runtime Directory:\t[file nativename $::RUNTIME_DIR]\n" set rres [peq $::RUNTIME_DIR [set rrdir [file normalize $::RUNTIME_DIR]]] } } else { set rres 1 } $tw insert end "\n" set ires [peq $::INSTALL_DIR/___ [set irdir [file normalize $::INSTALL_DIR/___]]] set irdir [file dirname $irdir] if {!$ires || !$rres || !$dres} { $tw insert end "Note \n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning if {!$ires} { $tw insert end "* The chosen installation path contains symbolic\n" warning $tw insert end " links and resolves to\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning $tw insert end " $irdir\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning } if {!$rres} { $tw insert end "* The chosen runtime path contains symbolic\n" warning $tw insert end " links and resolves to\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning $tw insert end " $rrdir\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning } if {!$dres} { $tw insert end "* The chosen demo path contains symbolic\n" warning $tw insert end " links and resolves to\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning $tw insert end " $drdir\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" warning } $tw insert end "The patching process will use the chosen paths.\n" warning $tw insert end "To use the resolved paths go back and enter them\n" warning $tw insert end "as desired.\n" warning $tw insert end "\n" } $tw configure -state disabled after idle license_ok $pages raise $pname set ::LOGWIN $page.s.t set res [wait_next] if {$res < 0} { # The exact target depends on the current combination of # lite/platform: No lite, nor e4win => Standard behaviour return -3 ; # skip state 7, get_runtimedir #return $res ; # We are state 9 } # At this point, there is no going back grid remove $::BACK $::NEXT focus $::CANCEL bind . { cancel } # Change logo to the upsell graphic $::LOGOBTN configure -image LOGO_UPSELL if {[file pathtype $::INSTALL_DIR] ne "absolute"} { set ::INSTALL_DIR [file join [pwd] $::INSTALL_DIR] } if {[file pathtype $::DEMO_DIR] ne "absolute"} { set ::DEMO_DIR [file join [pwd] $::DEMO_DIR] } if {[file pathtype $::RUNTIME_DIR] ne "absolute"} { set ::RUNTIME_DIR [file join [pwd] $::RUNTIME_DIR] } # Install all the files do_install_modules $::SCRIPT_DIR $::INSTALL_DIR $::DEMO_DIR # Patch files or add registry stuff do_finish $::SCRIPT_DIR $::INSTALL_DIR $::RUNTIME_DIR set p [parting_message] if {$p != {}} { log "\n$p" } teapot_message hype_message # This only allows exit set ::CONFIRM 0 wait_next 0 0 "Finish" } # ---------------------------------------------- # LOGGING ROUTINE # ---------------------------------------------- proc log {msg {typelist ok}} { if {[string length $msg]} { $::LOGWIN configure -state normal $::LOGWIN insert end "$msg\n" $typelist $::LOGWIN see end $::LOGWIN configure -state disabled update } } proc log* {msg {typelist ok}} { if {[string length $msg]} { $::LOGWIN configure -state normal $::LOGWIN insert end "$msg" $typelist $::LOGWIN configure -state disabled update } } proc log_debug {msg} { ## No output of debugging stuff. return if {![info exists ::LOGWIN] || ![winfo exists $::LOGWIN]} { puts stderr $msg return } log $msg hype } proc cmdlineerror {text} { tk_messageBox -parent . -type ok -icon error \ -default ok -title "Command line error" \ -message "Illegal argument \"$text\"" exit 1 } # ---------------------------------------------- # WAIT ROUTINES # ---------------------------------------------- proc next {} { $::NEXT invoke } proc wait_next {{back -1} {next 1} {cancel "Cancel"}} { if {$back} { grid $::BACK } else { grid remove $::BACK } if {$next} { grid $::NEXT } else { grid remove $::NEXT } $::BACK configure -state normal -command [list set ::WAIT $back] $::NEXT configure -state normal -command [list set ::WAIT $next] $::CANCEL configure -text $cancel -state normal -command cancel # deiconify needs to be called at the last possible moment, after # all the UI is ready. It's OK to call it repeatedly. wm deiconify . # Code for fully automatic installation. We expect that only the # code for state 9 is called, 'install_ready'. It contains two # invokations of 'wait_next'. The first is performed when the code # waits for the user to start the installation, and the second # when the installation is complete and we are waiting for the # user to close the installer. We use the 'auto' variable to # recognize that we are in the automatic mode, and which of the # two 'wait_next' calls we are in. Based on that we invoke the # appropriate button, after a suitable delay. if {$::auto == 1} { # State 9, install_ready, 1st wait_next. # Start installation. after 2000 {$::NEXT invoke} incr ::auto } elseif {$::auto == 2} { # State 9, install_ready, 2nd wait_next. # Finish installation. after 10000 {$::CANCEL invoke} } vwait ::WAIT return $::WAIT } # ---------------------------------------------- # SPECIAL UNINSTALLER FOR # ---------------------------------------------- proc uninstall- {dir} { # This version came without an INSTALL.LOG # Just be a little brutal in getting rid of it foreach file [list \ $dir/bin/itcl32.dll \ $dir/bin/itk32.dll \ $dir/bin/tcl83.dll \ $dir/bin/tclpip83.dll \ $dir/bin/tclsh83.exe \ $dir/bin/tclx83.dll \ $dir/bin/tk83.dll \ $dir/bin/tkcon.tcl \ $dir/bin/tkx83.dll \ $dir/bin/wish83.exe \ $dir/doc/ActiveTclHelp.chm \ $dir/include \ $dir/lib/bwidget1.3.0 \ $dir/lib/dde1.1 \ $dir/lib/itcl3.2 \ $dir/lib/itk3.2 \ $dir/lib/iwidgets \ $dir/lib/iwidgets3.0.2 \ $dir/lib/reg1.0 \ $dir/lib/tcl8.3 \ $dir/lib/tcllib1.0 \ $dir/lib/tclX8.3 \ $dir/lib/tk8.3 \ $dir/lib/Tktable2.7 \ $dir/lib/tkX8.3 \ $dir/license.terms \ $dir/README.txt \ ] { file delete -force $file } catch {eval file delete -force [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir/lib *.{sh,lib}]} foreach subdir {bin doc include lib} { if {[llength [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir/$subdir *]] == 0} { file delete -force $dir/$subdir } } if {[llength [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir *]] == 0} { file delete -force $dir } package require registry catch { registry delete \ {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActiveTcl} \ "CurrentVersion" } catch { registry delete \ {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ActiveState\ActiveTcl\} } catch { package require dde dde execute progman progman {[DeleteGroup(ActiveState ActiveTcl)]} } } # ---------------------------------------------- # GO TO IT # ---------------------------------------------- set ::SCRIPT_DIR [file dirname [info script]] set here [pwd] ; cd $::SCRIPT_DIR ; set ::SCRIPT_DIR [pwd] ; cd $here if {[catch { source [file join $SCRIPT_DIR install_lib.tcl] docmdline main } err]} { puts $err catch {bgerror $err} } #puts Exiting exit