#Read file xanthostgen.dac, and elimination of redundancy 3836 same valuation 7121 6358 same valuation 6369 6359 same valuation 6369 6362 same valuation 6107 6376 same valuation 6369 2914 same valuation 2913 LA099 same valuation JY542 LA100 same valuation JY542 LA102 same valuation JY542 2901 same valuation 3529 5678 same valuation 5676 5280 same valuation 1209 5284 same valuation 1209 JS582 same valuation JK2-20 LB302 same valuation JF90-8 2530 same valuation 2035 5701 same valuation 2035 2933 same valuation 1716 2915 same valuation JN576 2935 same valuation JN576 2939 same valuation 1716 2940 same valuation 1716 JP742 same valuation 1716 JP757 same valuation 1716 JP740 same valuation 1716 2603 same valuation 1860 2624 same valuation 1860 7123 same valuation 7122 6165 same valuation 4834 6167 same valuation 4834 6166 same valuation 6969 6965 same valuation 6969 6975 same valuation 6969 6976 same valuation 6969 6979 same valuation 6969 6971 same valuation 6960 6164 same valuation 2534 6982 same valuation 6984 6985 same valuation 6983 6991 same valuation 6990 6994 same valuation 6992 6996 same valuation 6992 6993 same valuation 6992 5864 same valuation 5863 5865 same valuation 5863 6541 same valuation 5863 5694 same valuation 1215 5695 same valuation 1215 7110 same valuation 7112 7115 same valuation 7113 5826 same valuation 5825 1869 same valuation 1119 1713 same valuation 1712 6865 same valuation 1712 5130 same valuation 4953 1124 same valuation 5241 6863 same valuation 5241 4955 same valuation 5683 6650 same valuation 5241 2527 same valuation 1438 5686 same valuation 1438 Caractere: 107 Entity: 112 Group: 5 Eliminate redundancy 35.2601% #Sub test 10 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 12 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 13 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 14 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 19 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 20 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 21 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 23 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 24 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 3 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 30 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 32 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 4 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 6 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 7 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula 8 can't be characterized by a totaly positive formula #Caracterization in progress, searching... group:1 size: 1 2 group:10 size: 1 2 3 4 group:11 size: 1 2 group:12 size: 1 2 3 group:13 size: 1 2 group:14 size: 1 group:15 size: 1 2 group:16 size: 1 2 group:17 size: 1 2 3 group:18 size: 1 2 3 group:19 size: 1 2 3 group:2 size: 1 2 group:20 size: 1 2 3 group:21 size: 1 2 3 group:22 size: 1 2 group:23 size: 1 2 group:24 size: 1 2 3 group:25 size: 1 group:26 size: 1 2 group:27 size: 1 2 group:28 size: 1 2 group:29 size: 1 2 group:3 size: 1 2 3 group:30 size: 1 2 group:31 size: 1 2 group:32 size: 1 group:33 size: 1 2 group:4 size: 1 2 3 group:5 size: 1 2 group:6 size: 1 2 group:7 size: 1 2 3 4 group:8 size: 1 2 3 group:9 size: 1 2 3 #Instance: xanthostgen.dac: 1 f=(33)&(88) 10 f=(~32)&(~35)&(~97)&(100) 11 f=(93)&(98) 12 f=(~35)&(36)&(85) 13 f=(~19)&(37) 14 f=(~31) 15 f=(21)&(~78) 16 f=(~20)&(97) 17 f=(22)&(102)&(103) 18 f=(~22)&(32)&(103) 19 f=(37)&(~102)&(103) 2 f=(~77)&(98) 20 f=(22)&(~35)&(~92) 21 f=(15)&(82)&(~100) 22 f=(~7)&(8) 23 f=(~32)&(~78) 24 f=(7)&(~44)&(96) 25 f=(44) 26 f=(20)&(106) 27 f=(24)&(~25) 28 f=(17)&(24) 29 f=(~71)&(77) 3 f=(22)&(~36)&(93) 30 f=(~77)&(90) 31 f=(~17)&(~73) 32 f=(~5) 33 f=(~7)&(96) 4 f=(22)&(~38)&(84) 5 f=(~14)&(21) 6 f=(8)&(~9) 7 f=(22)&(90)&(~68|88) 8 f=(68)&(~88)&(90) 9 f=(23)&(85)&(93)