( ! ) Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; OLERead has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/html/Idas/Ccd/mcps/excel_reader2_ghv3.php on line 103
Call Stack
10.0018360480{main}( ).../mcps_f.php:0
20.0080361512include( '/var/www/html/Idas/Ccd/mcps/mcps_inc.php ).../mcps_f.php:7

( ! ) Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/html/Idas/Ccd/mcps/excel_reader2_ghv3.php on line 320
Call Stack
10.0018360480{main}( ).../mcps_f.php:0
20.0080361512include( '/var/www/html/Idas/Ccd/mcps/mcps_inc.php ).../mcps_f.php:7


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mcps: the multiple characterization problem solver's page


Choose your data input method

1. Direct input

In order to test the solver or for a short demonstration, the simplest way is to use the following input panel. The format of the lines is: (identifier,group,presence/absence values). The names of the groups will be then defined by the program as Group1, Group2... and the names of the columns as Col1, Col2... Caution: the identifier must correspond to a single word, so there must no be spaces in the identifier. But it is possible to use the underscore charactere. For instance, instead of ind 1G1 one must write ind_1G1.


Here are some examples that are ready to use:

           example 1            example 2            example 3            example 4 

2. Send an Excel file

If you prefer to use Excel files, just select a .xls file respecting the model mcps_xmp.xls. There must be a sheet named Data et another one named Groupes (or Groups, we will check both names).


3. Send an XML file

Finally, if you are a programmer or if your data come from a database or a Web service or... you can provide a XML file structured with respect to the schema-grammar mcps.xsd whose readable version using Relax NG is mcps.rnc. You may read xmp1.xml and xmp2.xml to see what should be in these files.



Archive mcps-src.zip. The C++-source code is maintained by F. CHHEL.



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