.BEEP Controls whether or not PCED sounds the speaker when you try to type too many characters. To turn on the beep: CED BEEP ON To turn it off: CED BEEP OFF The default condition is OFF. .BREAK The CED BREAK command affects how PCED handles the ^Break key while it is processing compound synonym. With BREAK ON, PCED will recognize ^Break and terminate the execution of the synonym. With BREAK OFF, PCED will ignore ^Break. The default condition is BREAK ON. .CANCEL The CED CANCEL command instructs PCED to cancel any commands (from compound synonyms) that are awaiting execution in PCED's DOS command buffer. If there is any text following the CANCEL keyword, it will be executed immediately. For example, CED CANCEL dir cancels any pending commands in the buffer and then executes a DIR command. See also QUEUE. .CLEAR The CED CLEAR command allows you to remove items from the PCED data storage areas: SYN, USYN, ISYN, GSYN, PCALL, IGNORE, or STACKS. The exact syntax is: CED CLEAR [[FROM] ]] The parameter is required, and it is the name of one of the areas, or the word ALL (which means ALL areas EXCEPT the commands stacks). Without further parameters, the entire named list is cleared. For example, CLEAR SYN clears all current synonyms; and CLEAR ALL clears everything except the command stacks. You can specify an individual item to be cleared by naming it. For example, CLEAR SYN XD causes PCED to "forget" the synonym named XD. CLEAR PCALL DEBUG means that the DEBUG command will no longer be PCALLed. If you add the keyword FROM, all items in the specified list from the named item to the end of the list will be erased. For example, the command CLEAR SYN FROM XD clears the synonym XD and all synonyms listed after it in the STATUS display. CLEAR STACKS clears both PCED command stacks (DOS and user). The FROM and options cannot be used with STACKS. .CURSOR The CED CURSOR command affects how PCED manipulates the cursor to indicate insert and overwrite modes. The CURSOR command has three formats: CED CURSOR n0,n1,i0,i1[,e0,e1] CED CURSOR 0 CED CURSOR - The first format specifies the exact start and stop scan lines for the two cursor modes. N0 and N1 defines the Normal cursor start/stop, and I0 and I1 define the Insert cursor start/stop. For example, the command CED CURSOR 1,6,3,4 defines a normal cursor from scan lines 1-6 and an insert cursor from scan lines 3-4. Optionally, you may define a third "exit" cursor that DOS will be given to use when it runs programs (parameters E0 and E1). The second format (CURSOR 0) tells PCED not to play with the cursor at all. The third format (CURSOR -) tells PCED to use its default cursor settings. .DEFAULTS You can define default values for missing parameters in PCED synonyms by using the syntax: %n{?default} If the specified parameter is missing, the default value (everything between the "?" and the terminating "}") is substituted. For example, %2{?a:} will use "a:" as %2 if there is no second parameter on the command line. .DEFSTAT The CED DEFSTAT command allows you to define the information that will be displayed by the default (no parameters) form of the CED STATUS command and by the status hotkey (^T). For example: CED DEFSTAT BUFFERS PCALL LOG sets PCED so that the buffer sizes, PCALL commands, and LOG status are displayed when CED STATUS or ^T is typed. See help for STATUS for a complete list of options. .DOSMODE The command CED DOSMODE ON forces PCED into "generic" MSDOS mode. To return to normal processing: CED DOSMODE OFF .EDIT The CED EDIT command allows you to edit an existing synonym or user synonym. Just specify which it is, and the name. For example: CED EDIT SYN WP displays the current definition of the synonym "WP" and allows you to edit it. You can cancel the edit by hitting . Otherwise, the new definition will be added to the synonym list when you hit . Note that the new definition does not replace the old definition (but see PACK). .FCMODE The CED FCMODE command is for users of IBM's FileCommand II program. To reduce the number of accidental invocations of FileCommand, use the PCED command: CED FCMODE ON When FCMODE is ON, PCED will not allow user commands like CDIR to return an empty input buffer to DOS; instead, they will return a single space. The normal (default) mode is: CED FCMODE OFF .FORMAT PCED allows you to specify format strings for dummy (%) parameters in command synonyms. The syntax is: %n{format-string} These metacharacters have special meaning in format strings: $D Drive, including ':' $P Path, no terminal \ $C Path with terminal \ $F File name $E File extension $N File name and extension $Z Everything except extension $$ Literal '$' character For example, "%1{$F.TXT}" returns just the filename portion of parameter %1, with the extension ".TXT". Other text is substituted literally; predefined variables, other parameters, and environment strings may be part of the format string. .GSYN The CED GSYN command defines a "global" synonym, i.e., one that will be active at any prompt when PCED is active. The format is: CED GSYN A GSYN is a combination of a SYN and a USERSYN (i.e., it is both). See SYN help for more information. .HEIGHT The CED HEIGHT command tells PCED the current "height" of the screen, in lines. If you are using a screen that is anything other than 25 lines high, issue the PCED command CED HEIGHT n where n is the height (for example, CED HEIGHT 43 for a 43-line screen). If you are certain that your video BIOS correctly maintains the EGA "screen rows" variable at 0040:0084h, you can use CED HEIGHT AUTO and PCED will automatically use the correct height. See the manual for additional information about using HEIGHT AUTO. .HELP The CED HELP command is PCED's HELP facility. Help is available for any of the topics (defined by .) in your PCED.HLP file, which you may edit. "HELP" may be abbreviated to "?". The command: CED HELP (or) CED ? displays a list of available help topics. To see help on a specified topic, type CED HELP or CED ? . For example: CED ? INSMODE See also HELPFILE. .HELPFILE The CED HELPFILE command specifies the name and location of the PCED help file (this file). Specify the full drive, path and name of the file: CED HELPFILE d:\path\name.ext .IGNORE The CED IGNORE command allow you to specify commands that you want PCED to "ignore". When a command is IGNOREd, PCED will not: -- Stack the command -- Check for synonyms of any type (SYN, USYN, ISYN, GSYN) -- Check for PCALL -- Substitute for parameters and variables -- Strip chained commands -- Check the list of user installed commands In other words, after you have issued the command IGNORE FORMAT, PCED will no longer process any of your FORMAT commands in any way. The FORMAT command will be passed to DOS without modification. You can cause an individual invocation of a command to be ignored by prefixing it with an IGNORECH; for example, "*FORMAT" is equivalent to setting IGNORE FORMAT, executing FORMAT, then CLEAR IGNORE FORMAT. Prefixing commands with a space also suppresses some PCED processing. See your documentation for further details. .INSMODE The CED INSMODE command allows you to set the command editor's initial mode as you like it. There are three forms: CED INSMODE ON (always start in insert mode) CED INSMODE OFF (always start in overtype mode) CED INSMODE STAY (stay in most recent editor mode) The default in INSMODE OFF (initial mode is overtype). .ISYN PCED's ISYN command defines an internal synonym. To define an internal synonym, use the syntax: CED ISYN For example, CED ISYN wd 'c:\word\docs' To use an internal synonym (either directly at the DOS prompt or from within a PCED SYNonym or USERSYN), just use an "@" character and the synonym name: C> cd @wd .KILL The CED KILL command allows you to remove PCED or a user-installed command from memory. The command CED KILL removes PCED from memory entirely. None of its services will be available, and the memory it used will be released to the system. Note that you may not be able to KILL PCED if other resident programs were loaded after PCED. The command CED KILL can be used to remove some of the optional add-on programs. For example, CED KILL CDIR removes the CDIR program from memory. See the manual section for individual commands for the specific "kill" method and name for each add-on. .LITERAL The CED LITERAL command is used to enable and disable PCED's recognition of the characters that have special meaning to it, such as the chain character and the percent sign. To disable PCED's processing of these characters, use the LITERAL ON or LIT ON command; this tells PCED that you want it to to take these characters "literally" and not to interpret them at all. To restore normal processing, use the LITERAL OFF or LIT OFF command. CED LITERAL USER (or CED LIT USER) tells PCED to run in literal mode in user programs, but normal mode at the DOS prompt. This is PCED's default mode. .LOAD The CED LOAD command is used to load PCED configuration files. A PCED configuration file is a standard ASCII text file that contains a series of PCED commands (the keyword "CED" is optional in config file commands). Configuration files may contain synonym definitions, lists of commands to be PCALLed and IGNOREd, special character redefinitions, and so forth. They can be created using your text editor, or via PCED's SAVE command. For example, to load a configuration file named "PCED.CFG" that resides in directory C:\DATA, use the command CED LOAD C:\DATA\PCED.CFG. .LOADSTK PCED's LOADSTK command reads a stack-save file that was created via the SAVESTK command. After a LOADSTK command, the two command stacks and the PCALL buffer will be restored to their conditions when the SAVESTK command was executed. The syntax is: CED LOADSTK [d:][path]filename See also help for SAVESTK. .LOG The CED LOG command controls logging of DOS commands to disk. There are three formats: CED LOG [ALL|SHORT] [d:][path]filename CED LOG OFF CED LOG FLUSH The first format enables command logging to the named disk file. If the ALL parameter is present, PCED will log ALL commands to disk, including commands from synonym chains. The SHORT parameter tells PCED only to log commands actually typed at the keyboard; this is the default. You can change the LOG mode at any time by just using LOG ALL or LOG SHORT. The second format, LOG OFF, disables command logging. The third format, LOG FLUSH, "flushes" PCED's internal disk buffer to disk. Perform a LOG FLUSH before turning off the computer or rebooting, in order not to lose any commands. LOG OFF automatically flushes. .MINSTK The CED MINSTK command alters the minimum length of commands you want to be "stacked" in PCED's command stacks. For example, MINSTK 5 instructs PCED to only stack commands of five characters or more. The default value is MINSTK 3. The special format MINSTK 0 disables command stacking completely. .OFF The CED OFF command disables PCED entirely, without removing it from memory. After a CED OFF command, none of PCED's functions will be available until a CED ON command is issued. If you use the command "CED OFF USER", then PCED will be disabled at user program prompts (in DEBUG, EDLIN, et al) but will remain active at the DOS prompt. .ON The CED ON command restores normal PCED operation (with synonym lists, PCALL, command stacks, etc., intact) after a CED OFF command. Note that the CED.EXE program file must be available on disk, otherwise you will see a "bad command or filename" message from DOS when you issue a CED ON command. CED ON is also used to re-activate PCED at user program prompts after a CED OFF USER command. In this case, the CED.EXE program file need not be available on disk. .PACK The CED PACK command eliminates duplicate entries in one of PCED's "lists": synonyms, user synonyms, internal synonyms, globalc synonyms, PCALL commands, and IGNORE commands. You will have a duplicate synonym, for example, after EDITing a synonym. The format of the command is: CED PACK where is the name of the list you want packed: SYN, USYN, ISYN, GSYN, PCALL, or IGNORE. The format PACK ALL packs all of the lists. .PCALL The CED PCALL command defines the name of a command for which you want PCED to perform PCALL processing, i.e., automatic parameter recall. For example, the command PCALL DEBUG will instruct PCED to keep a record of the most recent parameters for the DEBUG command. If you then type "DEBUG" with no parameters, the most recently used parameters will automatically be added for you. .PROMPT The CED PROMPT command defines a location on the screen at which you want PCED to prompt for DOS commands. It also allows you to define a prompt string. For example, CED PROMPT "==> " 2 1 will cause PCED to display the prompt ==> at row 2, column 1 of the screen and wait there for input, whenever DOS requests a command. If the prompt string contains system variables (&P, &H, etc.), these will be refreshed each time the prompt is redisplayed. Both the prompt string and the coordinates are optional. If the prompt string is missing, the cursor will move to the specified coordinates, but no prompt will be displayed. If the coordinates are missing, the prompt will "float" down the screen, just like the DOS prompt. .QUEUE The CED QUEUE command places a command in PCED's pending command buffer. It will be executed the next time DOS asks for input (generally, at the next DOS prompt). For example, CED QUEUE dir places a DIR command (which may of course be a synonym) in the pending command buffer. A DIR will be executed at the next DOS prompt. CED QUEUE is handy in conjunction with CED CANCEL. For example: CED CANCEL CED QUEUE dir will cancel all pending commands and stack a DIR command for future execution. .SAVE The CED SAVE command causes PCED to save its current configuration to a disk file. All synonym/usersyn definitions are saved, along with PCALL and IGNORE command lists, internal synonyms, any special characters that have been redefined, and so on. Syntax is: CED SAVE [d:][path]filename The file is in a format that can be loaded by the LOAD command. .SAVESTK PCED's SAVESTK command saves all current information about the two command stacks and the PCALL buffer. The file created by SAVESTK can be read by a LOADSTK command, restoring the stacks and the PCALL buffer. The syntax of SAVESTK is: CED SAVESTK [d:][path]filename .SHOW The CED SHOW command displays commands in the stack. The format is: CED SHOW [n] where n is the number of commands you want displayed. The maximum is 255, which is also the default if n is missing. When you issue a SHOW command, PCED will display the last n commands in the current command stack, numbered from 1 (most recent command) to n. To execute one of the commands, type =n where n is the command number from the SHOW display. To bring one of the commands to the command line for editing, type ?n .STATUS The CED STATUS command displays information about the current status of the program. You can display current synonym definitions, PCALLable commands, IGNOREd commands, buffer sizes and free space, LOG status, and certain miscellaneous information. The format is: CED STATUS [BUFFERS] [SYN] [USYN] [ISYN] [GSYN] [PCALL] [IGNORE] [LOG] [MISC] If CED STATUS is typed by itself (with no parameters), the default set of information as defined by the DEFSTAT command is displayed. The <^T> status display key is equivalent to a default CED STATUS. .SYN The CED SYN command defines a DOS level synonym, i.e., one that will be active at the DOS prompt. The format is CED SYN where the is the first "word" after the keyword SYN, and the is everything else. The may be a list of commands or other synonyms, separated by chain characters; it should be delimited by a matching pair of non-alphanumeric characters. For example, the command CED SYN xwp 'cd \wp^wp' will cause the two commands "cd \wp" and "wp" to be executed when you type "wp" at the DOS prompt. .USER Defines the name of the machine user, for command logging. For example, the command CED USER CJD defines the name "CJD" as the current machine user. Command logs will include this identification for each command logged. The format CED USER NONE defines "no" user; i.e., the identification field of the command log will be blank. The format "CED USER" (i.e., with no parameter) displays the ID of the current user. .USERSYN See USYN. .USYN The CED USYN command defines a "user" synonym, i.e., one that will be active at the prompts of PCED-compatible programs such as DEBUG and EDLIN. They are identical to SYNonyms (q.v.) except that SYNonyms are active at the DOS prompt. .CHARS PCED recognizes a number of "special characters," i.e., characters that have special meanings to it. All of these can be changed. Here is the list of special characters: Name Abbr Meaning Default CHAINCH CC Chain character ^ IGNORECH IC Ignore character * MINCH MC Minimum truncation char * PARAMCH PM Parameter prefix % VARCH VC System variable prefix & ISYNCH n/a Prefix for internal syns @ STKCH n/a Force command into stack + STKXCH n/a Stack exec character = STKRCH n/a Stack retrieval character ? You can change any of these by the command "CED ". For example, "CED CHAINCH !" changes the chain character from <^> to . .VARS PCED provides a number of "system variables" that can be used in synonyms. These are usually introduced by the ampersand (&) character, but that can be changed by the CED VARCH command. They are: &m Month (MM) &d Day (DD) &y Year (YY) &w Day of week &h Hour (HH) &t Minute (MM) &s Second (SS) &n Current default volume &p Current default directory &c Current default directory with trailing '\' &a All command line parameters &r Remaining (unused) parameters &u Current USER